Skateboarding Product Reviews

Natas Kaupas guest Lakai Camby Echelon shoe

natas_lakai, shoe,

You would have to search hard to find a bigger skateboarding legend than Natas Kaupas, his contribution to the scene will be firmly set in the history books forever. Lakai, being one of the top skater run shoe companies out there, have rolled out a guest shoe with Natas this week as part of their exclusive Echelon range. Three colourways have been designed from their amazing Camby shoe that have a water-resistant film built into the canvas.

Look out for these beauties at those special skate shops that carry the Lakai Echelon range and click here for our interview with Natas in Marseille back in 2004.








Skateboarding News

Richie Jackson Death Skateboards Part

jacksonDeath’s finest magician known as Richie Jackson has delivered more quirky gems in this new section. Creativity in skateboarding is everything and this bloke seems to have box loads. Always a pleasure to watch, never dull. press play for the sweets.

Read our interview with Richie with more amazing footage here.

Skateboarding News

Andy Evans’ Skate Crates Demo’s part 1

skate_cratesThere’s nothing like looking back into UK skate history at footage that has been archived for so long. Our mate Andy Evans has been sat on a bunch of demo footage until this week for Sidewalk‘s Crates series and it’s gold.

In their own words: Part 1 of The Demo’s Episode features footage from the 1991 Powell demo at Bath’s Victoria Park and a combined Faze 7 Real, Plan B and Black Label demo at Shrewsbury from 1992.

A lot of this footage has never been seen before so prepare yourself for footage of Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek, Mike Manzoori, John Cardiel, Karma, Mark Gonzales, Salman Agah, Tim Brauch (RIP), Alan Peterson, Curtis McCann and more from a time when nobody but skateboarders gave two shits about skateboarding.

Skateboarding News

Mike Manzoori – Rehash


Mike Manzoori ruled the roost here in the UK back in the day. Sidewalk have Rehashed some fine moments in homage to one of the UKs finest.

Skateboarding News

Brixton’s Hand Poked in Montreal edit


Big old crew for this new Brixton edit. Press play for a Montreal visit by Brad Cromer, Yaje Popson, Kevin Coakley, Brian Delatorre, Taylor Bingaman, Dolan Stearns and many more.

Skateboarding News



Strobeck is back with fresh Supreme team footy kicking off at knife point. Chuck on that bluntslide and get the teas on for footage of Sage Elsesser, Sean Pablo, Tyshawn Jones, Na-kel Smith, Kevin Bradley, Ben Kadow, Jason Dill, Mark Gonzales, Greg Cuadrado, Vincent Touzery and Kevin Rodrigues in Paris.

Live Reviews

Gorilla Biscuits live at Dome, London


“Fuck Live Nation!” states frontman Civ, following charging live versions of New Direction and Stand Still that blew the pit of the Dome apart within seconds. It was a rallying call from a band that come from a no barrier rule, and unlike their show at the Electric Ballroom the night before, tonight is a hardcore show with only one rule. A rule that allows their people not only to share blood, sweat and tears, but to become brothers and sisters in the same square of wet flooring too. Fun.

This togetherness, born from a vibrant 80s hardcore scene, is a mentality that has reached every generation since. Having fun is the only thing on your mind when going out to see a band and that’s what you get from this lot. Strong, positive energy with a key message from hard working people who have non-stop promoted fun since they formed, and tonight’s set is rife with the good stuff.

From the building riffs of High Hopes, to the punching stomp of No Reason Why, the NYC crew smashed the Dome with classics from start to finish, on par with the electric show we saw them play last summer at Ieper Fest, where a barrage of stage diving did not stop until the final riff. Crowd participation was on point throughout this gig. Civ’s mic was shared with the lemming catchers at the front throughout the show. One cheeky punk even sneaked up on stage for a drink of his water in between tunes. I guess that’s to be expected though when you tell everyone what’s mine is yours. All fair game when you have a Big Fucking Mouth.


Do Something from CIV’s own Revelation classic pummeled the audience before Time Flies and Competition sped by like rockets. The former with a nod to old friend (and Turbonegro frontman) Tony Sylvester, who took the mic for a cover version of Judge’s New York Crew and smashed it. Their banging cover version of Minor Threat went down a storm too. There’s a lyric in that song that says something about “we’re all heading for that adult crash,” but those who managed to attend this show tonight never stacked it – they/we are the lucky ones, still wearing it on our sleeves, still getting away with it and it’s a damn good feeling.

As Walter’s harmonica wailed out the infamous solo to Start Today, I closed my eyes and thanked my lucky stars that hardcore came into my life. Thanks to everyone who played their part in it, especially Gorilla Biscuits.

Words: Zac
Photos: Natalie Wood / Wondergirl Photography

Enjoy the entire show if you missed it, courtesy of Max Horn.

Skateboarding News

HAZE Wheels promo


HAZE Wheels have dropped a full promo online today with skating coming from Michael Mackrodt, Oscar Candon, Rémy Taveira, Hugo Maillard, Jody Smith and more. get pressing that play button.

Find out more on Haze in this Live Skateboard Media interview.

Skateboarding News

BOWL-A-RAMA Bondi 2016 highlights


This weekend saw the annual Bondi Bowl-A-Rama comp down under run on Bondi Beach, an event that is now a must watch staple contest for those who travel. Hawk and Lasek took the honours, enjoy this Boardworld highlights footage.

Masters’ Results:
1st: Tony Hawk (USA)
2nd: Pat Ngoho (USA)
3rd: Renton Millar (AUS)

Pros’ Results:
1st: Bucky Lasek (USA)
2nd: Cory Juneau (USA)
3rd: Tom Schaar (USA)

Skateboarding News

R.I.P Love Park


It’s sadly happening right now, Love Park in Philadelphia is about to finally ripped down. So much skate history, so many moments to treasure.

Here’s a short edit of some of the final moments seen in the park. It was a nice touch for the mayor of the city to open it up for the final sessions to locals.