Skateboarding News

Jamie Thomas to close Fallen Footwear


Regardless of whether you pushed your rig in Fallen Footwear or not, the fact that a legendary skateboarder has had to close his shoe business down, is not only sad to hear, but paints a dark picture of exactly what is wrong within the skate industry in 2016.

Jamie Thomas, the brand’s head honcho, has given his entire life to skateboarding. He created brands that left a strong legacy in the history books, building and supporting teams that have pushed skateboarding forwards, taking a leap of faith into everything he has done with solid commitment. It’s a real shame to see any skater owned shoe brand close after 13 years of hard graft, but that’s sadly today’s news, Fallen’s Spring 2016 shoe run will be the last.

Generally, the skate scene has always looked after its own. Those who have decided to move into the business have pretty much, worked together through the good times and the bad. Dwindle distribution assisted Thomas when Black Box dist came to an end but unfortunately that goodwill still could not stop the fate of what was announced today.

Skateboarding’s independent standing in world business has always remained unique because generation after generation have fought for keeping skateboarding within skateboarding; fighting tooth and nail to keep skateboarding out of the clutches of billion dollar corporations…until now. Their heavyweight influence is rapidly eating into the foundations that skateboarding was originally built upon, so it’s now up to you to try and reverse that trend by voting with your feet and supporting brands run by skateboarders – that’s if you care enough about where your scene came from.

Remind yourself of the goodwill that skater owned companies stand for from this clip. The rest is in your hands. Choose Skateboarding or lose it completely.

Skateboarding News

Watch Roberto Aleman’s full part for Fallen

robertoalemanFallen Footwear have released a full section featuring Spanish Consolidated ripper Roberto Aleman today. Amazing skating in this.

Roberto Aleman for Fallen from Fallen Footwear on Vimeo.

Skateboarding News

New Zero Skateboards trailer for Cold War DVD

zero_skateboards_logoThe Zero team are working on a new video production titled COLD WAR right now. Expect hammers from Jamie Thomas, Cole, Rattray, Hill, Hatchell, Burman, Fitzgerald, Dal Santo, Tancowny, Sauder, Gilley and more.

Watch their new trailer accompanied by some classic Misfits tuneage and get hyped on these guys pushing the limits daily to bring you some of the gnarliest skating out there.

Skateboarding News

Watch: Jamie Thomas’ BANGIN’

Jamie Thomas dropped a Bangin’ this week. There is no stopping The Chief; this is the best one of these we’ve seen in a while.

Skateboarding News

Chris Cole partners with Zero

As previously reported, Chris Cole made a slightly unexpected move from Black Box footwear brand Fallen to DC Shoes. This caused a few to jump to some needless conclusions, most notably the assumption that his loyalty to Zero isn’t as strong as we once thought. Far from it, as Black Box have just announced that Chris Cole will now be business partners with Zero chief Jamie Thomas and will have an active role in directing the future of the company, while still ripping it professionally of course.

Here are some words from The Chief himself…

“Cole’s loyalty and support have always been an integral part of Zero’s success for the past decade. I’ve always included him in important decisions and brand directions, so it’s exciting to know we’ll get to work together for the life of the brand. I couldn’t imagine a better partner.”

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