Skateboarding News

Catch the Shadows with Perfect Blues

In the lead up to the Perfect Blues premieres in February, James Harris has dropped some footage of Ollie Lock, Jess Young and Sam Austin, Jason Lewer, Barber, Phil Parker and Frankie Darby in Bristol for you to watch before the full length is exposed.

The film has footage of those mentioned plus Dave Wallace, Jed Cullen, Ash Hall, Josh Arnott, Channon Wallace, Jimmy Hart, Andy Coleman, Ryan Chamberlain, Phil Parker and more. Look out for it.

Skateboarding News

Dave Wallace slomo footage

dave_wallace_skateDave Wallace slows down in Barcelona for Rufus Skateshop.

Skateboarding News

A day in the life with Dave Wallace

dave_wallaceBurgess Hill’s Dave Wallace has sent us an update from his new home of Barcelona where he resides these days. As you can see, he still loves a ledge and a bit of flatland, has an addiction to coffee plus is it me or has he picked up a bit of the old Steve McClaren on his travels too?!

Skateboarding News

Davis, Lopez, Dominguez and co clear out

Josh Clarke has unleashed the odds and bobs from his hard drive from this year’s filming sessions in London. Watch heads roll with Kyron Davis, Manny Lopez, Jamal Bendriss, Douwe Macare, Daryl Dominguez, Robin Lambert, Dave Wallace, Kevin McKeon, Luka Pinto and Alex Lally here.

Skateboarding News

Dave Wallace Clan010 offcuts

Brighton’s Dave Wallace has some offcuts online today that didn’t make his Clan010 edit. Watch the footage here.

Skateboarding News

Dave Wallace’ debut Clan 010 section

davewallaceskateBrighton ripper Dave Wallace celebrates his first full sectionfor CLAN 010 Skateboards today filmed by Sam Bird.

Watch the full 5 minute edit here and then enjoy some Spanish goodness from Clan’s Alain Saavedra and friends.

Skateboarding News

Wallace does Henfield

Osiris UK and Brighton street fiend allace/”>Dave Wallace has a new clip online this week filmed down at the Henfield Skatepark in West Sussex, watch it here.

Osiris – Dave Wallace – Henfield Skatepark from Sam Bailey on Vimeo.

Skateboarding News

Watch: Sam Bird’s ‘Under Grey Skies’

Sam Bird has recently invested in a Canon 550D and has gone on a filming mission around London resulting in this short little edit entitled ‘Under Grey Skies‘ that’s a perfect aesthetic treat to get you hyped this cold monday morning.

The video features the switch maestro (think about it…) Dave Wallace and the rest of Sam’s friends. Have a look below, it’s well worth a watch.

When you’re done, head over to Sam’s website and ‘follow’ him in the way that’s acceptable and not creepy.