Skateboarding News

STATIC II ‘Philly Four’ Alternate Edit from 2004

Theories of Atlantis have turned back the clock to 2004 this week and released a rough cut of an early edit for the “Philly Four” section from the Static II video.

Enjoy some amazing archived footage of Jack Sabback, the huge pop of Rich Adler and Damian Smith that never made the cut and look forward to Chris Mulhern’s new Static 4 video that is in the making right now. The most recent trailer can be found here.

Skateboarding News

New Static 4 trailer released

static4Josh Stewart revealed a brand new Static 4 video is being worked on and released this new trailer over the weekend. Get hyped for another incredible full length at some point.

“I wanted to wait and not put any kind of advertisement, hype, trailer or teaser out at all until one random day when we’d just announce “Static 4 is premiering in 3 days”. I’m pretty over the endless hyping of everything these days only to find yourself disappointed in the end. I think that if something is strong and meaningful it will pop without having to pre-hype the shit out of it. But every new online video that pops up ends up kind of stepping on one little element of the project we’ve been working on for half a decade. So I figure it’s best to get something out there and make it official. So, what the hell. Here you go my dudes.”