Skateboarding Events

Stockwell Skatepark Jam & BBQ

Jake Snelling- Backside Invert Ph: Rich West


Today, 22nd August, Friends of Stockwell Skatepark are hosting a Jam at short notice. If you’re around today and need something to do, get down for the usual BBQ, Music and overall good vibes. Even if you’ve got something to do, ditch it. What’s better than skating after all?
3pm onwards and run it into the night, everyone is welcome.

Learn a little more about Britain’s friendliest place to skate, Stockwell AKA Brixton Beach below.

Skateboarding News

Long Live Stockwell edit

jake_snellingGet an insight into the infamous Brixton Beach, aka Stockwell Skatepark. It’s one of London’s most amazing places to skate, the locals are on point, they’re very friendly and welcoming but also very passionate about the future of their spot.

Enjoy this new video. Share it, sign up to Friends of Stockwell Skatepark on FB and insta.

Skateboarding News

Stockwell sesh with Jensen and co

London illustrator and Witchcraft head honcho French celebrated his Birthday at Stockwell this weekend with a session at Brixton Beach but somehow didn’t make it into the video edit.

Watch some more good guys rolling South London’s crete including Nick Jensen, Jamie Arghh, Seth Curtis, Chris Pulman, Rob Mathieson, Louie Jones and Joey Pressey filmed by Mark Jackson who also celebrated a birthday this week.

Skateboarding News

Early birds do Stockwell

We all know that the early bird catches the worm and for us more mature skaters the lure of skating your local park alone without the barrage of kids on scooters is tempting. Right now you are more likely to witness a session at your local park as the sun rises more than ever before. The more people we speak to around the country, the more this comes up in conversation. I guess it’s just the done thing when you get older, whatever it takes for a peaceful line goes and if it means that the alarm clock becomes part of the session, then so be it.

Our good friends Adam Johns and Martyn Thomas are just 2 of the early birds that are out there getting some at Brixton Beach whilst you are snoozing, enjoy this HD edit from their latest 6:40am session in South London.

Early morning skate in Brixton from Martyn Thomas on Vimeo.