Skateboarding News

Early birds do Stockwell

We all know that the early bird catches the worm and for us more mature skaters the lure of skating your local park alone without the barrage of kids on scooters is tempting. Right now you are more likely to witness a session at your local park as the sun rises more than ever before. The more people we speak to around the country, the more this comes up in conversation. I guess it’s just the done thing when you get older, whatever it takes for a peaceful line goes and if it means that the alarm clock becomes part of the session, then so be it.

Our good friends Adam Johns and Martyn Thomas are just 2 of the early birds that are out there getting some at Brixton Beach whilst you are snoozing, enjoy this HD edit from their latest 6:40am session in South London.

Early morning skate in Brixton from Martyn Thomas on Vimeo.