Get loved up with the Yardsale crew whose new collab edit with Dickies has footage from various London parks and spots. Smoother than Barry White’s bog brush.
The Palomino have their new garms.
Get loved up with the Yardsale crew whose new collab edit with Dickies has footage from various London parks and spots. Smoother than Barry White’s bog brush.
The Palomino have their new garms.
The X-Games is currently going on in Brazil right now with mega ramp comps setting new monstrous records as ever. This time round Jake Brown is back in the news, not for falling onto the flat bottom though, instead he is the first person to pull a 720′ ollie as captured on film here.
Slam City Skates have unlocked Darius Trabalza‘s footage from the City of Rats DVD for the DC Flow to Pro edit comp overnight. Get some here.
DC Flow to Pro – Darius Trabalza – City of Rats from Slam City Skates on Vimeo.
This is not going to make for happy viewing but the lesson here is that if you are filming or skating near to a road, always have someone on look out for you so this doesn’t happen to you or your friends.
Corbin Harris has been so excited about this dropping all week that most people who own mags around the world must have got the message twice.
Not only does this have a slam in it that will make you wince (and prove that sometimes you have to take them to get what you want), there’s great skateboarding in this, tricks-a-plenty and a bizarre tent grind that will have you on the rewind. Good times.
Slam City Skates have been working on a new video to celebrate 25 years of servicing London’s skate scene and have dropped this amazing taster of what’s to come.
The production is being taken care of by Henry Edwards Wood and features a plethora of local skaters that includes Karim Bakhtaoui, Daniel “Snowy” Kinloch, John Tanner, Lucien Clarke, Casper Brooker, Neil Smith, Jin Shimizu, Joey Pressey, Rory Milanes, Olly Todd, Scott Howes, Rob Mathieson, Danny Brady, Nick Jensen, Steph Morgan and Darius Trabalza.
Watch the ‘City of Rats‘ promo here and look forward to the full release this Christmas.