Skateboarding News

Ham Jam 2011 footage from Shoreham

Last weekend’s Ham Jam on the South Coast attracted rippers from all over the country.

Watch Matt Parry’s footage and Rick Inskip’s edit of the full day out featuring footage of Greg Nowik, Jake Collins, Jed Cullen, Joe Atkins, Sean Goff, Jim the Skin, Mike Day, James Breeze, Sam Pulley, Jo Howard, Paris, Tea Bag, Oakley Liddel, Daryl Nobbs, Lee Blackwell, Iain ‘WIllie’ Youngo and many, many more.

Skateboarding News

More Rom Jam 2011 footage

More footage from last weekend’s Rom Jam has reached the internet this morning thanks to Richie Inskip.

Enjoy some skating from Marc Churchill, Carl ‘Potter’ Wilson, Jake Collins, James Breeze, Jed Cullen, Sam Pulley and many more can be found in here ended with a classic quote from Mark ‘do you know who I am’ Munson! Hah!