DVD Reviews

Baker 3

Another day, another DVD… Well not exactly because the latest Baker video, Baker 3 is not your regular video. Anyone who is familiar with the reckless skater-run company knows that these guys don’t care what people think of their image or how they advertise their goods. Wait! Wait! Hold your horses… Baker did stem the whole ‘Piss Drunx‘ fashion phenomenon, and some might say that image is all that counts over at Baker, but that was then and this is now.

Straight away when watching Baker 3 you’ll notice how much cleaner the editing has become.

No more dreary dub music, endless slow motion multi-angle shots or gratuitous bad behaviour. There isn’t even any poached footage of the Muska or Chad Fernandez??? “Is this really a Baker video?” , you ask. Yes. There is some wrestling with security guards, drunken stumbling and bum-fight footage, oh and Greco does get a triple angle shot of his ender, but apart from that Baker 3 is much sharper and easier to watch that it’s two predecessors.

I think the general concensus for the team is that you must know how to do frontside flips, switch pop shove-its, big spins and have at least one tech-ish two-trick line in your part. Of course, Reynolds out-does himself again on the frontside flip stakes, but that isn’t all he’s got hidden up his sleeve. He also allows a very interesting editing technique for his part. Some will love it, others will plain hate…

Dustin Dollin flings himself full throttle at some very gnarly spots. I think Dustin is definitely going to get short-listed for a SOTY some time soon.

Jim Greco proves that there is life after a smack habit and stays true to form with some intense skating and sketchy style that so many have tried to fake.

Jeff Lenoce– Long time no see! Good honest part that puts any doubts about the Floridians whereabouts to rest. Jeff has still got good pop and a mean nollie.

Say hello to Antwuan Dixon, an effortless styled upstart that is already putting abruising on So-Cal spots regardless of whether people know his name. Remember it: Antwuan Dixon.

Erik Ellington finally puts the madness to rest and lands his big spin down the huge Carlsbad gap. ‘Nuff said.

Last part goes to Bryan Herman, and before you all snigger in disgust, let it be known that Bryan is solid on his board. I think this kid has a very bright future and the fact he gets last part is a summons to recognize how quick he has come up and what his potential is.

The only let downs for me were the last three:

Brandon Szafranski– well gnarly but a bit too much flair for me.

Terry Kenedy– Can someone please send this guy to the back of the queue with gaffer tape over his mouth..?

Kevin Long– Spanky is looking pretty burnt out for such a young age. A lot of talent that does show when several of his tricks are direct bites out of Rowley’s book.

Music wise this video has it all, from acid drenched prog rock to crack dealer rap passing by post apocalyptic metal. Oh, and Ali Boulala has a short but sweet bonus part after the credits with OG slo mo footy and dub plate beats!

I think the little cover note from the Boss, Andrew Reynolds says it all:

“Right when skateboarding starts to get socially accepted, we come in and ruin everything. With videos like this around, we’re never gonna get in the Olympics… You can thank us later. Baker Skateboards, the real thing.”

Ralph Lloyd-Davis

Skateboarding News

We’re lost in Music…

The showroom-arena is packed with sweaty kids and eager adults. The air is heavy with tension and the constant clicking of tails rings out like crickets in high season. Like a world record Gang Bang attempt, Es Footwear partner up 100 star struck kids to take on their King, Eric Koston, at his own game- S.K.A.T.E.

Once all the freakshow freestylers, video clones and desperate pros have been weeded out, the real talent takes centre stage. However, Koston has nothing to prove- He’s had it all and done it all, so he bows down and exits through the side door. Jim Bates and Jimmy Carlin are left to prove themselves and play the skateboard version of Russian Roulette. It goes down to the last letter, and with his last bullet in the chamber, Carlin fires out a frontside nollie bigspin heelflip. The crowd twists and groans… It’s all over… Or is it?

Carlin feels cheated, his gun jammed and Bates responds as if it were walk in the park. Ha! Bates ups-the-ante with a fakie inward heelflip frontside revert, but that wouldn’t suffice to claim victory. Helas, it was the fabled backside 360 nollie flip that nailed the final letter into Carlin’s coffin and left Bates to reign victorious over any technical trick wizardry. As a bystander put it, “He beat Koston!” Well observed mortal, but who has the greatest style, eh?,23430,1103747-933408,00.html

The Entente Cordiale…

It’s a fact that only a few people move and shake up the skate industry. What they says goes- take it or leave it. Santa Cruz Skateboards head honcho, Rich Novak, is one of these people. A new blueprint for skateboard teams has been drawn up, but only a few people have grasped it. The colonial style era of all American teams simply flogging off their foreign counterparts as flow teams that the distributors can handle is over. Today, the Euros mix with the Yanks and an ‘Entente Cordiale’ is underway.

Santa Cruz have announced their latest team line-up: Lee Smith, Nestor Judkins, Emmanual Guzman, Sid Melvin, Alex Carolino, Flo Marfaing, Oli Buergin and Henning Braaten. Those last few names are European.

Whether or not these new faces (ebven though well established at home) will be accepted with open arms cannot be confirmed as of yet. Already the authorities of virtual skateboarding have had their say on the message boards of spin:

Monster Network: (Speaking about Henning Braaten) that guy is from norway. not seen much of him and the video clips are whatever. not sure why he’s pro to be honest Needless to say, the Jury is out on this one… In any case, Speed Freak Damian Smith saw it just to join his Philly Skate pal, Ricky Oyola over at Traffic Skateboards.

There’s no business like shoe business…

Before the days of Nike SB, Osiris D3s and collaboration models, skaters were pretty much bumming it off their pro stumpwood royalty checks (unless you were Rob Dyrdek). The arrival of pro model shoe contracts was like an interest free credit loan from the bank manager himself, and everybody has a price.

So, whilst some people refuse to let go and simply scratch the brand name off, along with a couple of riders, and others sell their souls to their supposed enemy, Element decide to step their game up. At the last ASR tradeshow, Element revealed their latest price of the pie that is Element shoes. This now means that Element produce everything from decks to bearings, travel bags to clothing, and now shoes. Tosh Townend has signed on and will only have to spend his checks on food, unless Element picks up the tab there too…

Meanwhile, as mentioned earlier, Ed Dominick killed off his brainchild 88 Shoes and re-named it Vox instead. When the plug was pulled, several riders including Corey Duffel were seen floating down the drain. All that remains now is Darren Navarette, Alex Horn, Dan Drehobl and Peter Hewitt. Let’s hope it works this time…

Oh, and Thrasher have been given a pro model on Nike! The day grainy camera-phone pictures of George Powell in bed with Steve Rocco hit the Net, we’ll know we’ve seen it all.

DVD Reviews

Toy Machine – Good and Evil

Even though I have refrained from jumping downs huge sets of stairs and long slippery rails for the last couple of years, one company is sure to spark that motivation within me again and that’s the Blood Sucking Corporation that is Toy Machine. Somehow Ed Templeton always gets the rawness and style balance correct with his videos, even if it means waiting a while and swapping endless team members… ‘Good & Evil’ takes us back to the good old days of ‘Welcome to Hell’, but doesn’t surpass the master piece that was. It comes close and here are a few reasons why: – First of all, Ed has a great sense of music and especially when it needs to be paired up with skateboarding, so expect to be pleased on that front. The master of ceremonies opens up the show and skates a lot of banks to ledge/rail spots with the usual dangly style. However, I did find that Ed’s skating wasn’t as gnarly as it has been, but I can only imagine that this is due to being caught between a million responsibilities that don’t involve riding a skateboard…
Right, the following two riders have had a lot of hype written about them so you’d expect something out of the ordinary, but honestly Josh Harmony and Austin Stephens didn’t surprise me at all. I found both of their parts rather bland and ordinary. I would say ‘sorry’, but I won’t. It’s what I saw and what I felt.

On the other hand, new team rider Johnny Layton is a great surprise. I really though this kid was nothing special apart from long feeble grinds, but then I saw his debut part in ‘G&E’. Johnny plays it cool to begin with, but then starts to show his true colours with style, pop and gnar wrapped into one. Oh, and he isn’t afraid to grab his board either which is kind of cool, too.

Weh hey! A secret rider! Well, Matt Benett won’t be a secret much longer. This innocent young buck come through with a very stylish first part that actually takes quite a lot of switch skating to the gaps and rails. His icing on the cake is a very hard (and don’t deny it!) switch backside 180 to backside smith grind down a couple of rails. Just think about that for a minute…
The man who wears a moustache like a gay porn extra steps up and annihilates rails with tech-gnar (technical and gnarly skating for those who don’t read Thrasher). Billy Marks deserves all the props he can get because whacking out kickflip frontside feebles and switch bigspin heelflip boardslides is no small feat. I don’t like Billy’s style, but nobody’s perfect, right?

Finally, the Butcher closes up shop. Diego Bucchieri is known for his fearless approach to gaps, so he does what he’s known best for and leaps everywhere. I did spot a ridiculous backside kickflip off Geoff Rowley’s bump so keep your eyes open for that! Also, he DOESN’T do Ali’s 25 set! It’s the 20 set in San Francisco that was featured in an old Thrasher video, ok? Stop speculating.

So, there you go. ‘G&E’ is a pretty good video and I won’t bother to go over the endless lists of bonus footage that include tours, art films, sponsor me tapes and friends. I will however mention the most gruesome ankle snappage I have seen in a while. It’s in there, but I won’t say where because I didn’t know until I saw it and it made me look away and thank God I don’t try any of these stunts anymore!


Kyle Berard

2 days into Marseille Bowlriders this year, Kyle Berard sat on the hill with a full can of beer and mentioned that he felt lucky to be there. 2 days and many beers later Zac ran his life through a washing machine for a 20 minute session under a melting umbrella whilst Kyle spilled the beans. This is what went down….

OK, full name sir!

Kyle Edward Berard!

And where are you from?

I grew up skating with my friends in Virginia Beach.

So what age are you now?

I’m 20 years old at the moment

Only 20!

Yeah only 20

Fuck it (laughs)
Yeah fuck it!

How long have you been skating?

Err…. 10 years

First board?

First Board! I had a Bart Simpson but that was before I really skated!

We have not had a Bart Simpson board before!

Yeah I got a real board and I think that it was a Powell like Dragon logo.

So you were growing up obviously around the early 90’s skateboarding?

95 was the year!

95 so what was going on around at the time that inspired you to become a professional skateboarder?

Well originally like just skateboarding with my friends was what I wanted to do like we saw loads of other kids doing it when we went to middle school. So I got into it around 5th or 6th grade but I don’t know man it’s just rad. I grew up next to Mount Trashmore and I heard like loads of gnarly stories about all the big pros going there. But by the time that ’95 rolled around the ramps was a piece of shit and it didn’t keep up with the times.

Which pro riders came out of your hometown like the ones you’ve seen skate or skated with?

Well I grew up watching Sergio Ventura skate Khan Roy, Mike Hanroy, Peanut Brown all the Gutierrez brothers and Henry Gutierrez. There were a lot of good guys coming from that area, definitely transition riders.

So you are riding for World Industries right now?

Yep it’s been a year; I’ve been on for just over a year now.

And you have just got back into normal skating again after your huge accident?

Yep I got in a car accident in 2001 like a week after September 11th happened it was pretty gnarly.

What happened.

I just ate shit man, I was driving around the corner way too fast. 16 years old like dumb kid just driving way too fast, but woke up in the engine! My leg was in the engine and I was stuck in the car with all of my friends for like 45 minutes. My buddy got airlifted to a different hospital it was gnarly man. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

That’s unbelievable so did you crash into a wall or something?

I crashed into a truck with a horse trailer on the back of it and it was head on! I was going about 55 and they were doing 50mph! Yeah it was gnarly we should have died man it was crazy it’s nuts looking back on it because I have photos from it of course like my dad shot photos of the car when it was in the junkyard.

Is it a good reminder of how you should take care of yourself more when you are young?

Yeah well I’m trying to man it woke me up to how precious these things can be! I mean my friends and everything and how quick you can run into a truck.

You broke your Femur?

Yeah. I broke my Femur, that is what kinda put me out. I hurt my arms, broke my hand, I think I got stitches but the Femur was the thing that really messed me up. I couldn’t skate for 6 months and then I tried to but I had 2 screws in my knees that kinda pinched a nerve so the whole year was terrible. I got the screws and everything out that was almost 2 years ago it still feels a little funny but it was kinda tough getting back into everything, all the travelling and with all the stuff going on back home with my friendly herd and everything it’s been a gnarly couple of years.

At the time were you a sponsored skateboarder?


Did all of your sponsors stick with you?

No not all of them I thought that I was gonna be out for good for the first couple of weeks. It was my senior year of high school a lot of things were going on. My buddy was in hospital for a couple of months so I really didn’t think to care about it too much to think about it I wanted to skate but I didn’t care about the travelling or anything. I was just like I man I gotta stay here I’m with my family and it was a pretty gnarly situation, really heavy.

Wow sounds pretty cool that World has picked you up though?

Yeah I met the World team manager Tom Curren at one of the contests I was just doing the contest. I was making a living just going to these contests some of my sponsors dropped me so and I still wanted to skate I got back into it. So I made a living doing that went to college for a few years and met him at a contest in the summer and he was like “hey man you’re good wanna ride for World” and I was like “yeah sure whatever you want!” I was like I will go anywhere.

So who else are you riding for at the moment?

I ride now Excel Wheels, Independent Trucks, Von Zipper, Lost Clothing. I get shoes from DVS. Ninja bearings and Dakine backpacks and that’s it. It’s cool this time round like these last couple of years travelling again. I’ve been meeting a lot more people this time round because I’m a little older and I understand travelling these days. You meet a lot of great people on the road, lots of cool stories you know that’s what it is all about after all of this like you still go home and skate and when you are out with your friends you got stories to tell.

So you like coming to Europe?

Yeah I like it some days

You couldn’t live here though?

No man 3 weeks that’s enough! I’m just not used to it like everyone where the fuck is the ice! Give me a fucking AC unit like let’s do this! I dunno I would have to learn the language maybe it could work.

So have you been to London?

No but I have been to Heathrow and Gatwick

Oh yeah (laughs)

But that was it I transferred got a bus ride there!

What’s your favourite type of skating?

Man, I grew up watching all the transition guys and everyone skate bowls and things like that and that’s where I’m at man I like skating street as well!

So you prefer transition skating to street?

Yeah it’s easier on me and I dunno I’m just better at it.

What’s your favourite trick?

Favourite trick ever: Backside tailslide on any kind of ramp and backside disaster is cool too. Yeah if you get a good back D you’ve got it going on….

What about music?

I like all kinds of stuff man. I like Modest Mouse I like The Dude’s Riff. The Black Keys…er Neil Young, we have been doing that on the i-POD lately and The Rolling Stones, you know, all kind of stuff, that’s cool.

Do you get out to many live shows?

I saw Modest Mouse play in front of 200 people once. They are now packing out big shows but my friend owns a restaurant called Café 11 down in Florida, he got them for 2 nights in a row, it was amazing!

Top 5 Skaters?

When I first started getting into skateboarding it was all the guys from the North East like Donny Barley, people like Kerry Getz, Dennis Busenitz, vert guys like Brian Howard.

Fave Skate Video?

I like anything that Dan Wolfe does. I just saw Closure and that was great. All those skaters up there are ripping.

If you could go to any spot with 3 skaters, where would you go and why?

Mike Peterson is coming with me, we lived together for a while, he is a great guy to have at any session anywhere…Rhino and my buddy Paul from back home, we skate mini ramp a lot. We would go back to Virginia to my parent’s back yard! Yeah!

The future?

I actually think about it all the time. The accident was a big mental scar but I over analyse so much and I need to put some work in to hang out more!

Fave tipple?

I used to do the Red Bull Vodka thing for a while but I like to kick back with a Bud or something!

If you had to fight Mike V, Rollins or Schwarzenegger who would you pick?

I’m claiming that Schwarzenegger is a pussy!

OK, times up!

Damn we fit as much in as possible! Thanks Crossfire.


Girl Skate Jam

Following on from the success of Girl Skate Jam UK 04, Pioneer Skate Park played host to GSJ 05, attracting over 25 female skaters from all over the country. A good size crowd was entertained by the girls who had travelled to St Albans to take part.

The day started with a two and a half hour jam for girls of all ages and abilities with riders ranging from 10 year old Faith Trounce to possibly the most well known female skater in the UK, Lucy Adams.

Competitions kicked off at 2.30pm with the Amateur Street section. This was a jam format with girls skating in groups of four and the level of skating was pleasingly high. Third place was taken by 14 year old Kim Lewis who showed great promise with 180 ollie nose grabs and kickflips to fakie on the driveway. Becky Wood impressed the judges, Andy Willis and Phil Proctor, with her run that included a 180 ollie, boardslide down the kinked rail and kickflip to fakie on the flatbank. But she was piped to the post by her friend Kerri Dennis who bagged herself first place with a floaty ollie to fakie on the quarter pipe, 180 ollie over the driveway and smoothly caught kickflip to fakie on the flatbank. Both girls had travelled down from Derbyshire the same day, yet still managed to throw themselves around the park with enthusiasm.

Next up, the comp moved outdoors to the miniramp, where MC Jack Wiggins from the Oxford Wheels Project amused the crowd and skaters – especially Lucy who was all most crying – alike with his unique brand of MC-ing. “In her spare time Faith is a Racing Driver and Demolishes buildings” he announced of the 10 year old “But she also throws the best parties that go on for days if not weeks”. In fact the skaters were so amused they began making requests for topics for him to comment on them. Third placed Lucy Adams “is into cloning, and has cloned herself seven times and today we have the Sunday version which is much better than the Saturday version”. She flowed effortlessly, apart from trying not to fall off due to laughing too much, with front and backside 50-50s, boardslides and lipslides and even attempted tasty looking Indys out of the coping.

Meanwhile Bowl local and Vans grom, Sam Bruce “who is a budgie smuggler and her getaway car is a Ford Mondeo” took 2nd place with a solid run of 50-50s, disasters and also included some quirky tricks such as footplant impossibles and ollie to nose tap.

But it was 12 year old Rebecca Aimee Davies who stole the show, proving once again her undeniable skill on the ramp. She pulled off tricks skaters twice her age would be proud of, “and she still has all her teeth,” including a sick 360 early grab, ally-oop 50-50, handplants and boardslides to name but a few! In short she killed the miniramp and left the crowd in no doubt who deserved first place!

It was then back to the Street course for the sponsored riders street comp. Once again it was jam format with one group of three, followed by a pair. Essex girl and Rogue rider, Sadie Hollins deservedly took third prize with her impressive tech tricks on the banks of nollie flip shuvs, switch flips, nose manuals and k grinds. She also took best trick with a brilliant boardslide shuv out down the kinked rail.

Brum lass, Emma Richardson flawed round the park with a confident run consisting of backside kickflips across the flatbank, ollie over the hip, kickflip over the driveway and boardsliding the rail. But she was beaten into 2nd by an emphatic run by the ever consistent Lucy Adams who impressed and excited both judges and crowd.

Refusing to start her run until the right Queen track was played by the DJ – Don’t Stop Me Now, her run included a perfectly caught fakie flip on the steep bank, back-to-back boardslide and switch boardslide, 50-50 on the top ledge of the Koston Block and finishing with noseslide down the driveway ledge. Not intent on just winning the comp she also decided to have a hand in the DJing whilst the best trick comp was underway. The girls skated to the sounds of Madonna and Van Halen, Lucy would like to make it known that she is available for hire for comps or even weddings.

To sum up, a great day was had by all. The girls stepped up and took their skating to the next level.

With big thanks to all those who supported the jam: Carhartt, Gallaz, Etnies Girl, Rogue Skateboards, Eastpak, Heroin, Crème, Nikita, Greed and Conspiracy Skate Shop. Also a big thanks to Pioneer Skate Park for funding the event and the Selby family for putting up and feeding a lot of drunk and sweaty skaters.

We look forward to next year.

Jen and Jen

DVD Reviews

First Love

It has been a while since Transworld blessed us with something good to watch. As always, Jon Holland and Jason Hernandez try and show us an aspect of everyday skate life and in this case it is the overwhelming love we hold for our boards. True. In order to get the point across, TWS hired the talent of Leo Romero, Shiloh Greathouse, Ryan Gallant, Richard Angelides and Omar Salazar. Shiloh opens the show and it’s been a long time coming for this great comeback. Skating to Echo and the Bunnymen, Shiloh picks up where the early 90’s curb technicians left off. Remember all those noseslide-nosegrind-lipslide-smith combos that had our brains ticking over? Well, Shiloh steps it up a level and does some mental combos on proper ledges and with style to boot. Pretty inspirational stuff from a guy a lot of you have never heard of before.

Next up is Richard Angelides who still rocks the Adidas shell toes after all these years. Personally, I didn’t think Richard had killed it as hard as he did in his 97 Rhythm ‘Genesis’ video part, but that’s just me… Richard still manages to pull out some very difficult manuals and relaxed lines. I reckon Richard has been slept on long enough and deserves more coverage. Check the underdog out!

Contending for speed demon title is Omar Salazar. Omar has worked hard since his debut over at Foundation, and deserves everything that comes his way because his style has matured and his positive attitude will have a few heads envious. Basically Omar’s part is all about speed and sticking it no matter how hard the slam. Just remember kids: Skate within your limits!

Ok, Ryan Gallant has definitely shot into the limelight after a part in the Coliseum video and a position on the new Plan B roster. I’ve heard people slagging Ryan off for being sterile and relentless with the hardflip or flip shifty, but this new part will have you all switching. Ryan has the style pop and dexterity to put together some of the cleanest lines ever. He even pulls a perfect version of a trick I have never seen before- the hardflip frontside 180. Yeah, think about that for a minute and then try and do it… In any case Ryan kills it and his song is sick to boot too (I even thought it was a UK Hip-Hop song for a quick minute. Swiss..?)

Finally, we get to Leo Romero. I’ve seen Leo skate firsthand and I know that the kid is solid. Every rail stunt is done within two goes and the odd ledge session doesn’t worry him either. However, his part is strictly hammers and two trick line a-la-Zero. Not a good look if you ask me but hey, it’s still chock full of impressive stuff. Oh, and he skates to a nice T-Rex track!

DVD Reviews

Santa Cruz – Guarte

I’ll bet you a fresh pair of kicks and some ceramic bearings that a whole lot of you have completely forgotten the once legendary Santa Cruz Skateboard company..? Yeah, I knew it. Well, let’s just have a quick recall of the SCS history to show you ingrates where this landmark company is coming from, and where it is probably heading. Firstly, Santa Cruz ran things back in the day as one of the only viable competitors to Powell Peralta during the 80’s. They also invented Slick©, and if you were young enough to ride it you knew it was fun! Then, SCS suffered a sharp fall during the early 90’s, but then again so did the rest of the industry- Dark days… As new life was blown back into the market and SCS looked ready to start afresh, they lost a load of their team, and since then have slipped slowly but surely off the radar. You see, SCS is an all-American skate company that has tried and tested the whole “gimmick” aspect of the market, emerged out the other side and come to the conclusion that all skater’s really need and want is no-nonsense quality goods i.e. no fancy packaging, signature trinkets or jazzy names- Just good skating. Oh, and damn strong boards! So, back to the subject at hand: Guarte – the latest video from SCS with a great line-up, cool skating, a fine storyline and a real “Who’s who?” of cameos. I’ll take this moment to shed light on the storyline that winds it’s way through this video. Think ‘Las Nueves Vidas de Paco’ from chocolate, and you’re pretty much there. Sprinkle the lot with loads of famous and not so famous skaters from the past and present and Bob’s your uncle!

Anyway, back to the skating… The SCS amateur roster will leave a few companies envious because between Damian Smith who runs the streets like Ricky Oyola except switch, and the best kept secret Nestor Judkins stylin’ it up for miles, you’re served with some sweet viewing. On a side note, the last time I saw Nestor was in a TWS amateur issue and the kid was tiny but already turning heads: Expect more from this young man… A true feeling of different generations can be felt throughout Guarte be it with the Veteran Division section full of powerslides and slash grinds thanks to Tom Knox and Eric Dressen, or the powerhouse parts from Mike Frazier or Stacy Lowery. SCS takes care of it’s riders.

Finally, the highlights of this video: Alex Moul and Emmanual Guzman. Right, we all know what Alex is capable of and he doesn’t disappoint. The cheeky humour is there, the late shove-its, impossibles etc. and more are all in there. In fact, watching his section had me thinking back to the early 90’s when crazy flip tricks looked crap done 3cm in the air. Back then I told myself this kind of bastardized skating would look a lot better if some serious pop was applied. Well, Alex has done just that! Next to Alex stands Emmanual Guzman- the SCS all-terrain vehicle that combines power and style to the sweet melodies of Metallica. This kid has got some serious balls on him and reminds me of a modern day Jason Jessee. I’m not entirely sure why, but hey…

So, there you have it: Guarte is well worth your hard earned currency and SCS deserve a pat on the back for holding on so long to finally put out a quality video that does themselves and skateboarding justice. I liked this video.


Marseille Bowlriders 2005

June 24th-27th 2005

So here it is, another skate trip, another visit to France for the gnarliest event on the European calendar, another pickled liver and another bruised body! Some people say “why do you do that for your holidays?” and the reply is simple. Because there is no comparison! Every year Crossfire recruits as many bodies as possible for this event. This year we met up with 24 of the UK’s finest explorers in the South of France for this mission and it was a total success. Every comes to this country to skate like a bastard and to rock and fucking roll for an entire weekend, not caring about sleep deprivation, hangovers or bruised heels. THIS IS GNAR and by the time you finish reading this feature, you should be ready to book your ticket for 2006 in advance. No shitting you, 2005 was off the hook and this is what went down….

Gerald Roche and I were first on the scene on the Tuesday morning. We checked in, chilled out, got some beer and headed down to the bowls. The local riders who we know well now after 4 years of visiting this amazing skate park had reached an entirely new level. You can talk about Julien Benoleil, Alex Geraud, Mehdi Salah and Alex Cocciniuntil you are blue in the teeth as these guys own this bowl, but if you look deeper to the youth uprising that study the comp every year and emulate their heroes, you can see a new class of skateboarder popping through the ranks. I’m talking about Mini Tony T. A kid we saw imitate Tony Trujillo’s skate style and fashion sense last year, who is now a clone of the Anti-Hero bowl wizard…it’s crazy to watch. If our local park at Meanwhile had big transitions that flow for miles, then we would have a similar batch of new skaters killing it, but we don’t, so the kids here will never be as good, it’s just a fact. Build great parks, breed great skaters. No myth I tell you, it’s straight up.

We sessioned that place until we sweat buckets, and of course it was International Go Skateboarding Day so we had to get in the mix for obvious reasons. That night, a DVS premiere of Skate More was shown on the beach in the sand. It was electric when Daewon Song bust out his part, the place was a wreck after that and Neil Kirby was stoked he had made the hour long journey from up the coast. The Red Lion brought us Stella and music and we got served all night long! Welcome to Marseille bitch!

Our friends Jaydog and Claire from SF turned up with Richie Hopson and Anna, plus the addition of Wingy and Emma, Seth and Ryan from Meanwhile, Lucy Adams, Lek and Matty, Rees and Matt, Andy Scott, Lois, Pete King, Crossfire film crew Alan Christensen and Jamie O’Brien, Howard Cooke, Ross McGouran, Roe, Mattias and the addition of the Irish Crew with Jay, Rich and Bruce The Ox (who skates the gnarliest i have seen yet!) all in the hood caused us to turn up the heat. The Thursday night was full of beer, hash and night skating, just what the doctor ordered! But was this gonna get out of hand? YEAH OF COURSE IT WAS! The Red Lion was rinsed once we left that joint!

So, the Friday was hungover and the event had only just started….Christ! It set the precedent for the entire weekend! The heat baked down on sore heads as the skaters managed to huck out some of the most amazing lines all day long. Our UK entrants included Andy Scott, Howard Cooke, Ross McGauran and Pete King but Pete and Ross were injured after the Brixlegg battle in Austria the weekend before so Scotty took the mantle as he always does here and got through with Howard for the quarter finals. Howard was put up against Tony Miorana, TNT, Emilio Arnanz, Mehdi Salah and Roman Hackl whilst Scotty faced last years winner Omar Hassan, Daniel Cardone, Chad Bartie, Julien Benoliel and Kyle Berard.

That night, we started to rage again. A night session brought out the likes of Brazilain World Industries rider Carlos De Andrade who hucked massive frontside ollies over the hip and crazy tech shit in the reservoir. It was a pleasure to watch. Rees managed large airs over the foot of the spine (pic opposite), whilst Seth ollied the hip at large and Matty crail slid his heart out. We had met up with Rhino from Thrasher during the day and shared a few beers together. This dude is one of the nicest fellas you will meet on your travels, so if you know he is on town, make sure your beer is cold and your arms are open. He took this pic of Matty whilst he taught me how to take photo’s. Dude, if you are reading this thanks for the tips…next time I will make sure I’m not wasted for 3 days and take on board what you told me! Haha! This guy is the Dingo’s bollocks! Yeah, did you click that link? It’s 100% true. The night went on. Tony’s pentagon shrine was made out of beer bottles accompanied by 2 upside down crosses whilst Slayer boomed out of the i-pod. We were so drunk it was a joke and managed to crawl back home to the hotel rooms after annihilating anyone we saw down at the Red Lion!

But it was all about to be moved into another level. A quick swim in the pool revitalized the bones whilst the head was still in total pieces. Kirby picked us up in the vehicle, we headed for the holy place, our deadly secret, the cure for all hangovers. Yes folks, step right up, you are about to learn a serious secret from the depths of the Crossfire vaults, for this is the time when we share the Wisdom of the Ocean. If you have the hangover of hell and have no idea how to quell it, then get your arse down to a seafood restaurant that serves up raw shellfish and indulge in King Prawns, live Oysters, Mussels, Clams, and Sea Urchins! Wash them down with a carafe of white or rose wine accompanied with mayo and French bread and you will be laughing! Put it this way, Gerald ran a mile when we mentioned where we were going! The thought of seafood made his stomach curdle so Jaydog took his place. 10 mins in and Jay is freaking out a bit after myself and Neil had parted with 2 Sea Urchins each. These slimy bastards look like they could rape your old lady! We forced Jay to join our gang and he dribble puked all over the table! I was sat opposite and luckily he held on to that one for dear life, so much so his eyes watered like rapids! Good lad!

But this is where it all goes wrong, because after this meal, we were seriously up for it. We ran to the supermarche and bought champagne, rose wine, beers, coolers and ice and raced to the hill! People are just waking up, others are watching the comp that had only just started, Alan and Jamie were fighting other photographers for the space and we were about to let rip a whole new day of chaos! The Hills Are Now Alive With The Sound Of Music! Tony T and the entire Anti-Hero crew are with us on the top of the hill, playing grindcore and strumming an electric guitar covered in Thrasher stickers. Champagne flutes were passed around, doobies were rolled and the rest is history! I managed to interview TNT in the middle of this chaos; it’s on this site here somewhere if you wanna find it. It has to be the most piss drunk interview ever performed! In fact a football was kicked at us by Matt Moffet’s girlfriend Janine at 100mph and it stuck Tony right on the forehead and then did the same for me, leaving us feeling like we were pissed up pin ball heads!

By the way, Matt Moffet’s skating was amazing over this weekend. He did not make the cut but that bloke can rip style holmes! The only bad news of the day was that Emilio Arnanz had broken his kneecap and he was skating so well in the comp, it was not deserved.

At about 6pm, the days event skating had finished and we head for a drunken swim in the Mediterranean ocean. As we walked down the hill, Gerald was rugby tackled at mach 10 by Kirby and he flipped onto his head and did a scorpion on his face! He was knocked for 6 so we revived him then watched him puke up in the sea whilst the entire beach looked at us as if we were pikeys or something! I had to rescue Gerald in the recovery position…kids, take note, this is not fun! Well, only for 5 mins, then we all laughed our pants down. The party session was on fire, it felt like 4am but it was 7pm and most people had only just started. A fire was born from Jake Phelps hands and boards were chucked on top, then crates, then a security guard went ape shit and it calmed down a bit. By this time a session was going off in the bowls. Benji Galloway was skating this place padless at 10pm and raging like a bull in there. Not many pro skaters would join the night sessions fearing for their safety and the possibility of losing the cash up for grabs but Benji is about mingling and getting amongst it and the crowd loved it hailing his every backsides disaster, invert and indy transfer in the deep. This is what skateboarding is all about, just letting go and having fun. Train loads of people cruised round the reservoir throwing massive ollies over the hips, carving low and high and slashing at the coping, this is the best place on earth for that and I dare anyone to prove me wrong.

We partied hard with the likes of Blair Alley, Pat Duffy, Kyle Berard, and others. The Red Lion had some crazy shit going on tonight. The bar staff were all moshing, beer was being sprayed everywhere and people were loose! Once we were all kicked out of there at 4am, we took to the car park opposite where we had back up beer crates in the boot. 3 skaters, one with a broken leg were asleep on the grass under jackets. All of a sudden the sprinklers came on and all hell broke loose! They were soaked and we could not help but laugh ourselves into the tarmac! Cruel really but we had to all run for cover. I just remember diving through the window headfirst into a part rolled doobie on someone’s lap! We all got soaked whilst David Martelleur found refuge on top of the phone box! We staggered in zig zags back home. Alan found Gerald asleep at a bus stop on the way home and rescued him! It was total carnage!

Sunday morning was unlike any other spent in London. We all surfaced at midday ready for the finals in ribbons! Not even the pool could save bones today. The seafood place was shut so there was nothing but OJ and vitamin C on offer before the big guns fought it out in 35′ heat in that bowl.

It was whittled down to Omar, Alex Giraud, Chris Senn (who was a wildcard) Benji Galloway, Alex Coccini, TNT and Julien Benoliel (pic opposite) and it was on fire! Everyone gave all and the place was electric for 30 minutes! The rock reigned from the speakers courtesy of Ed Lee and Christian Stevenson who played so many classics and eventually after watching the gnarliest skating ever, the results came in and it was all over for another year.

1. Omar Hassan (USA)
2. Alex Coccini (FRA – Marseille)
3. Tony Trujillo (USA)
4. Benji Galloway (USA)
5. Alex Giraud (FRA – Marseille)
6. Chris Senn (HAW)
7. Julien Benoliel (FRA – Marseille)

Omar won this comp just like last year with his trademark 540 in the deep bowl, heelflip transfers, vert wall madness and lipslides over the spine from the teardrop. You just cannot beat that stuff, it’s fucking monstrous! Coccini deserved his 2nd place as he was incredible with height, lines and tech skill at speed. TNT rode with KISS face paint all weekend and won 6000 euros with fastplants, bonelesses into the vert wall, sick transfers and his usual crazy style of skating.

Benji ripped with transfers off the wall into the 8ft, a barrage of 360 shit over the spine, switch transfer chaos and much more, but got ahead of last years runner up Alex Geraud whose transfer from the reservoir into the Heddings Gap is still one to cry for. Add his stylish kick flip backside lipslides over the hip to that and you have your man alive. Julien Benoliel was beaten to 6th place by Chris Senn whose style and different approach is still a pleasure to watch anywhere but the Marseille local is killing it and when he skates he does not flinch an inch and is tough as nails.

The party afterwards was debauched. Good old Dave Duncan made sure everyone knew it was a free beer party and led by his usual example. You should watch the Planes, Trains and Automobiles video that the World Cup Skate crew released this year and watch the entire tour this man delivers…first one to the bar, first one to work. How he does this year after year is beyond me but I tell you one thing, the auction for his liver when he goes will bring some of the best collectors in the alcohol business as this one will be gold dust!

Big thanks to World Cup Skate crew, Jasper and Tommy at Quiksilver and Cathy Roure for their amazing hospitality once again. Roll on 2006!

Download the video on this page to watch the skating courtesy of Jamie O’Brien and Alan Christensen.



Skate More in Brussels

Crossfire has come a long way since the days of little B&W fanzine pamphlets and blagging the odd handshake with a pro. Today it’s worldwide recognition and Champagne dinners. Well, almost… DVS were in town for the premiere of their first ever video, ‘Skate More’, and Crossfire had been invited to rub shoulders with the pros and sip on complimentary drinks. To tell you the truth, the usual roll call with a video premiere is that we end up scrambling for tickets until the last minute, get squashed with the rest of the sweaty fans as we queue up anxiously awaiting the curtain-rise, spot a pro in the distance and then head off to the off-license for a couple of cold ones and an over-the-top trick by trick analysis of what we just saw. Yeah! We are the media, promise!

This time it was different. I received the call a week prior to any screenings and had VIP invites for several of the premiere dates. I had to call around to make sure this wasn’t a joke… (‘I’m on the list, promise!’ ‘Sorry, no Crossfire here. Stand back!’). The rumours were running thick and fast- DVS had booked the largest cinema in town, there was the promise of a free booze pre-premiere party and after-party, plus the possibility of a proper meal and personal trainer lessons with Daewon Song. No, that last bit was made up, but when this kind of cash is flying around- Why not?

I spent a few sleepless nights beforehand getting my questions ready for D-day. I had to think of something original, but not too ‘out there’ otherwise it was like career suicide. When I arrived at the press conference (this wasn’t some ‘catch a couple of quick answers mid-run’ situation!), my hopes were dashed as half of the people I’d thought I’d meet weren’t there. Jason Dill was officially M.I.A and Jeron Wilson doing the rounds in South America. Great. I was greeted by the head honcho of DVS Europe and he pulled me, and another journalist aside…

We were led into an underground bunker stuffed with free goods. The lights were dim but I could spot several pairs of DVS shoes, at least 20 boards, a few big boxes of t-shirts and more stickers that a little skate rat could handle. It was the DVS Alladin’s Cave for any little rat that screams , ‘Give us your board! Can I have your shoes? Stickerssss….!’ The boss then began to distribute freebies, but I declined the Yellow ‘Skate More’ mesh cap. I was afraid he was taking the piss, plus yellow is a horrible colour! We were also given résumé packs as if to help us understand just what a skate video is, who DVS are etc… Thanks mate, but I think I spend more time on a board than you do at board meetings.

Luckily the business heads weren’t interested in what questions I had prepared, but there was a constant presence of hired filmers and photographers fidgeting around. Was my identity being held against my will..? The time had come to be professional, so the following is a direct transcript of what Steve Berra (apparently moody because he’d hurt his toe…?), Daewon Song, Keith Hufnagel, Torey Pudwill, Mikey Taylor and the American man responsible for all your DVS related viewing pleasure, Colin Kennedy had to say.

Now that the work had been done, Maxwell Woodger Esq. could take center stage among the high rollers and hot chicks that live the jet-skate lifestyle. Woo Hoo!

As the credits rolled, a steady downpour of free product rained down on the crowd from the cinema balcony. I slapped a 12 year old as I fought for a mesh cap, then made my way to the free bar… Goddammit!

I swear an hour ago a pretty young thing was serving free Champagne and beer here!?! Where had the coy vixen gone??? I mingled a bit with the headless chicken of a crowd that didn’t know what to do with itself after witnessing the truly SCANDALOUS prowess of Daewon Song and his cohorts. The situation was getting ugly as a crate of Red Bull was ripped open and the knowledge of fake VIP tickets having been distributed prior to the event. Apparently the dinner and after-party was a very exclusive date that night, so if you weren’t ‘a friend of the Family’, you’re date was at the local offie… Ha!

It is times like this when I realise Crossfire and Maxwell Woodger are on the up! Either that or dead lucky… The rendez-vous for the worthy (or those that neededa good greasing depending on how bitter you are) was at a very exclusive night club next to the Hilton Hotel. A setting of plush designer cushions, waiters with diner-jackets on and a few jet lagged DVS riders spotted around, greeted me with open arms. Needless to say the tab was a joke so Champagne, Beer, Rum Cokes, Double Whiskies etc were ‘de rigueur’ for the jet-skate wolves.

I sat at a table with the cream of foreign press and we talked shop. It was hard not to notice the 6 or 7 plasma screens playing ‘Skate More’ on loop, but my ‘filet d’agneau’ served with McCoys was a good diversion.

Posh food has come a long way…

Me and the rest of the hacks laughed at the suits who asked us how ‘radical’ the movie had been, but answered sincerely when Daewon came around to get our opinions on the DVS video. Timidly, the press around me muttered sweet nothings to the BA Barakas built manual god, but I said it straight:

“Do you want the honest truth, Daewon?” Daewon nodded and came closer.

“Honestly, this video is a real corker that makes you want to skate, and as I mentioned to anyone bothered to listen, your part in particular was SCANDALOUS! However, I have the strange feeling little kids are not going to appreciate the full fluidity of Mr. Cheeks- Chico Brenes.”

It was obvious to me that the ADD inflicted teens were not going to take long to skip various parts in preference of the ever-present banger boys. It was sad, but somehow the first FTC video was not mandatory viewing anymore… It needs to be!

Daewon paused for a minute, and the press grinned and prepared for the worst. How dare I not agree with the general consensus that ‘Skate More’ was the greatest ever skate video in history??? I was alone on this one…

“You know what?” Daewon started. “I am so happy you said that because an honest opinion is worth so much more than the tip-toed friendly reviews we have to read post release. You know that I knew my Almost part had too much manual craziness in it, and that’s why this part is different. Nothing beats Chico and Sade, and I am glad I’m not the only one to know this!”

We shared a strong hug and I knew, between those rock solid arms, that a true respect and friendship had been founded.

The party continued its due course and fun was of the essence. Things only came close to ugly when yours truly thought it would be polite to ask a mob boss and his plastic lady friend to a dance. As Pharrell serenaded the scene with ‘Beautiful’, I made my move… And knocked a full glass of Champagne into the bosses probable bonerfied crotch!

‘Goddammit!’ He said.

The bimbo wasn’t impressed either and felt it was time to go. But, this was his club and the only people leaving would be the 50 inebriated skate fanatics! As the bimbo demanded her bag be passed over, I spotted a full bottle of Moet sitting alone. I grabbed the sweet nectar and offered it as an apology to the boss. His screams turned to sympathy and a hand shake was had. He called me an honest man and wished me the best with my career before calling over ‘Brains’ the body guard.

Myself and the other few skaters left were allowed to keep drinking the night away so long as we didn’t interfere with the bosses private lap-dance again.

So we did. Till 5 in the morning.

DVD Reviews

Zero – New Blood

Ummm… Well, perhaps the afterlife isn’t all that bad after all..? No. Seriously, Zero keep true to their course and blast out another hammerfest of gaps, rails, gaps to rails, rails to gaps- As long as it’s big and scary it makes the cut. So, what’s new? Well, apart from the obvious fact that Jamie Thomas and his team of stuntmen are keen to promote the ‘grabbing of the board’ by serving up at least one per part, you might also notice the resistance to quick editing. Phew! I was worried I might have another epileptic seizure if the editing hadn’t changed… A quick run-down of performances will let you know that JT styles it up with some nice moves like 360 no-complies and polejams. I think his body has finally let him know that Stairway rails are a sure way to Heaven (Ha! What a pun!). Jon Allie hasn’t changed much; lots of flipping mixed with his rail assaults. However, I did admire the clean style Jon had considering the god-awful hand-dragging-I’ll-make-this-if-it-kills-me roll aways we’ve witnessed recently. Garrett Hill is nothing special- just a clone. Tony Cervantes gets his grab quota up to par and sticks out as someone to keep an eye open for. John Rattray saves the day with a bit of style and even gets Stu Graham to feature in his part. Somehow John just doesn’t look like he’s having fun on those rails. I don’t know… Tommy Sandoval will die trying and James Brockman has a couple of heavy hammers in there. Backside lipslides on suspended rails anyone? No, I didn’t think so…

Finally, Chris Cole with his mason’s arms carries the weight of the whole video on a part that (despite being leaked on the net) will send shock waves through anyone who doubted this guys board control and potential. Wallenburg gets the book thrown at it and there’s even a sweet wallride gap in there that lots probably missed the first time around. Check Chris out and be blown away.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention the Mystery promo bit with Moby music. Ooh! How emotional! I didn’t really think the music matched, and I really hope the fact that the song praises the Good Lord, that JT didn’t sneak some religious preaching in there… Anyway, I think Zero have actually ‘hammered’ the final nail in the coffin for stunt skating because it’s pretty obvious now that kids who huck themselves down chasms, and think two tricks make a line, just isn’t cutting it anymore. It was good while it lasted, but seriously- What are you going to bring to the table next? Yeah, I thought so…