Features Skateboarding

A Day in The Life of illustrator Mr Gauky

Filmed and edited by Matthew Bromley
Photo: Lee J

Well, you are in for a treat this week as London based artist Mr. Gauky has allowed us into his studio to see what goes on behind the scenes of his incredible work.

Mr Gauky is the man behind the Battle Royal themed Superdead decks that are currently out right now and has become one of the most talked about artists in town this year. So, with this in mind, we decided to get the lowdown from the man himself as he is also one of the artists we have picked to be involved in our Toxic Wasters sticker art show at this year’s Halloween Massacre.

Watch this Day in the Life video that will give you a sneak peek at some of his drawings, illustrations and work in progress followed nicely with some dangerous rooftop coffee and cake time and a few pumps at his local cement hole- Cantelowes skatepark in Camden.