Skateboarding News

San Dimas High School Street Gap – Best Tricks

heathYou can only hit this place up by motorbike but over the years, the San Dimas High School gap has been rinsed by a select few looking to get on the sheet.

From the Butcher to Burman, Hoffart to Hill and of course, Heath Kirchart, take in a few who have made it.

Skateboarding News

World’s Longest Ollie 16.6ft?


Jordan Hoffart definitely has the largest kickflip from a bungee motorcyle ride in our opinion but the debate has now been raised on whether this is the longest ollie on record. At 16.6ft it’s a huge contender and a feat to be commended but we are sure we have seen bigger road gaps than this.

We would like to see the UK’s Chris Oliver have a crack at this. Up for it Chroliver?

Skateboarding News

Unseen Stereo footage of Chris Pastras and Ethan Fowler

Stereo_skateboardsStereo have been Diggin’ in the Crates to find some unreleased footage of Chris Pastras, Ethan Fowler, and friends that also has some Brooklyn banks footy shot around 1994 whilst making “A Visual Sound”.

Jordan Hoffart, Tommy Fynn, Pastras, and Georgie Tsushima also have footage from Prince Park in Oceanside, CA in this. Click play for treats.

Skateboarding News

Watch Bones ‘New Ground’ video in full

boneswheelslogoBones Wheels have been promising to drop their new full length video for a few months and have released it today for you to stream and download for free.

Get stuck into footage of Jaws (below), Randy Ploesser, Ryan Decenzo, Marty Murawski, Chad Bartie, David Gravette, and Adam Dyet, Jake Duncombe, Ronnie Creager, Jimmy Cao, John Motta and many more by clicking here to stream it and here to register to be sent a free download by email.


Skateboarding News

The Vox team rip 165ft mini ramp to pieces

bordeaux165ftminirampDo you remember us running news on a 165ft mini ramp being built in France back in April this year?

The Vox team hit it up and came back with some absolutely amazing tricks. Check this session featuring Jordan Hoffart, Josh Hawkins, Cody McEntire, Dave Bachinsky and Shawn Hale.