Skateboarding News

Real Skateboards – Through and Through full video

Ph: Ernie Torres Nose Manual Nollie Flip shot by Gabe Morford


What a treat, 17 minutes of the Real Skateboards getting stuck into spots in style. Get those teas on and sit down to watch footage of Kyle Walker, Justin Brock, Ishod Wair, JT Aultz, James Hardy, Dennis Busenitz, Chima Ferguson, Jake Donnelly, Davis Torgerson, Peter Ramondetta, Ernie Torres, Max Schaaf, Robbie Brockel, Massimo Cavedoni, Antoine Asselin, Jake Ruiz and Jack Olson.

Skateboarding News

Scooters with Garcia, Hawk, Brock, Olson, Leeper and more

William Strobeck has a short film titled Scooters out this week featuring Reese Forbes, Alex Olson, Kyle Leeper, Austyn Gillette, Jake Donnelly, Danny Garcia, Riley Hawk, Justin Brock and many more. There’s some great skatboarding in this, don’t miss out.

Preview Skateboarding News

Adidas team in Greece

The country of Greece maybe in the news for the wrong finanical reasons right now but it didn’t stop the Adidas skate team from visiting this summer to shoot some pics and skate the many spots on offer in Athens and Mykonos.

Watch footage of Dennis Busenitz, Silas Baxter-Neal, Lucas Puig, Tim O’Connor, Pete Eldridge, Benny Fairfax, Nestor Judkins, Lem Villemin and Jake Donnelly here.

Skateboarding News

Real Skateboards: Since Day One Trailer – Jake Donnelly

Real Skateboards unleashed a teaser over night featuring Jake Donnelly taking more than one for the team.

This will be one of the most anticipated skateboard videos of 2011 so get hyped for Since Day One coming from the Deluxe crew soon.

Real Skateboards: Since Day One Trailer – Jake Donnelly from dlxsf on Vimeo.