We all have dreams. Some of them are realised, others just move on after we wake and drift into the ether. Dreams can be achieved though if you really want them. You just have to make them work, by hook or by crook, and that’s where Foster Huntington achieved the ultimate pleasure by pushing his until they became a reality.
He put a crew of friends together, each bringing their individual skills to the table including carpenters and skateboarders and then over the space of a year, something incredible happened. The ultimate dream treehouse, hot tub and skate bowl with a view of the Gods was completed.
You may have seen this image before but check out how The Cinder Cone was built in Skamania County, Washington in the Columbia River Gorge in this amazing new documentary. Huntington is now starting a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a book on the project. It’s part photos and part DIY manual, and something to keep forever.
Keep those dreams of yours alive. They are all out there, we just have to work hard to find a way of making them happen, and fast.