Skateboarding News

Watch ‘Meet the Stans’ Visualtraveling skate feature

As promised two week’s ago, Patrik Wallner returns with another incredible, full-length visual traveling skateboarding feature titled ‘Meet the Stans’.

In his latest film, spots in China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan are located and sessioned by Dave Bachinsky, Jimmy McDonald, Laurence Keefe, Dan Zvereff, Stas Provotorov, Gosha Konyshev, Walker Ryan, Kenny Reed and Michael Mackrodt. Follow their travels on the ancient Silk Road that takes them through a cultural masterpiece.

This week’s Skate Edit of the Week is made up of of 30 minutes of footage, so get those teas on and take it all in.

Visualtraveling – Meet The Stans from Patrik Wallner on Vimeo.

Skateboarding News

Snow Birds: Eniz Fazliov and friends in Athens

“The Finns had been under a meter of snow for 4 months, we f—king had to do something…”

Eniz Fazliov hooks up with Oscar Candon, Sami Miettinen, Miki Tahtinen and Thanos Panou for a new edit shot in Finland for Emerica by Henry-Edwards Wood.