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This year, Axe Distribution rolled out a comp inspired firstly by Thrasher’s annual King of the Road jaunt, and an Irish comp of similar name. The competition’s aim was to involve small underground skateboard companies who do not usually get to compete in such events in the UK. It was never about the end result, but all about skaters getting involved and have a laugh, i’m sure you will see this reflected in the six video edits below. Various tasks were set for each team to complete, as you will discover in each edit.

The winners of King For The Crack will be decided by popularity via facebook likes. Remember, you can vote for as many edits as you like, just click on the red links below to find the videos for each team.

The voting will end at 12 midday, Friday 29th of June revealing one winner. Get voting!


Skateboarding News

AXE distribution tour footage

danishAXE Distribution from Birmingham hit the road for a couple of days with a van packed full of skaters and came back with some park footage. Watch it here.