Skateboarding News

Trailer Time

When the weather is grim, it won’t stop the pilgrim.

Ahh… How poetic! But, when I look outside my window at the cold and rain, it only means more tea and more proper work. Thank god the skateboard industry is constantly on filming missions, otherwise I wouldn’t have these exciting trailers to watch instead of the Autumn gloom.

Brand new Oakley Our life trailer here.

Brand new Toy Machine Suffer the Joy trailer here.

Brand new Chris Hall’s Get Familiar trailer here.

Brand new Ian Reid’s Video trailer here.

Brand new Clyde Singleton’s Minority Report trailer here.

Brand new La rue vers l’image video sections here.

I would drop a gem on you with Donny Barley’s website which contains every snippet of footage the kid ever clocked, but dude’s bandwidth got raped. Too bad.

To compensate for the lack of Barley, here’s some of the last footy you’ll see of the now defunct Recs Skatepark in Wales. Watch as Tourettes Ben mashes it up on the beatbox! Click here for the fun.