Lifted from their sublime new album ‘Mr Beast‘, ‘Friend Of The Night‘ is a beautifully emotive slice of post rock genius that starts fragile and still and builds and builds until the swirling guitars and stabbing piano patterns explode in a crescendo of noise. The centre piece of the whole album, this single release perfectly showcases where Mogwai are at in 2006.
Their sense of melody and how to express it emotionally has increased tenfold and gone are the jarring barrage of loud guitars of the past (although they do raise their heads at points throughout the album!), now replaced by spine-tingling subtle piano melodies, intricate guitar pickings and shuffling drums. This is a truly beautiful single from their most accomplished album yet.
Catch the band live at the following dates:
29 March – Bristol, Academy,
30 March – Southampton, Uni,
31 March – Wolverhampton, Wulfrun Hall,
01 April – Oxford, Brookes Uni,
02 April – Cardiff, Coal Exchange,
04 April – Cambridge, Junction
05 April – Liverpool, Carling Acdemy,
06 April – Newcastle, Northumbria Uni,
07 April – Sheffield, The Plug,
27 April – Edinburgh, Queens Hall (Triptych Festival)
22 September – London September, Royal Albert Hall