Skateboarding News

Death and Sidewalk limited edition deck incoming

Death Skateboards are rolling out a limited edition collaboration deck and t-shirt with Sidewalk Magazine right now. There could be only one graphic from this joint venture, the epic Cates fishtank shot that graced the cover will be featured so ask in your local skater owned shop to order one this weekend.

It is an honour to have made this collaboration deck with Sidewalk Magazine, we don’t take their hard work for granted. Long live Sidewalk!” – Nick Zorlac.

Skateboarding News

Sidewalk’s In Progress video premiere’s in London

London’s Prince Charles cinema was invaded by the creme of the UK’s skateboarders last night as the new Sidewalk video In Progress was premiered.

Popcorn and beers were thrown as standard, before three quarters of an hour of British skateboarding was unleashed with sections from Barney Page, Conhuir Lynn, Ben Raemers, Nicky Howells, Sean Smith, Harry Lintell and Tom Harrison alongside Ben Nordberg, Mark Baines, Nick Remon, Chris Jones, Denis Lynn and footage of many more.

Overall the film got a great reaction, the skating was banging, the music was spot on and the film mainly shot by Ben Powell, Ryan Gray and Kevin Parrott and many other contributors, could have just kept going and going. 45 minutes flew past with raw UK skating served just how we like it with Barney Page and Ben Raemers receiving the decibels they deserved. .

There will be some fantastic hangovers this morning as the free bar set up around the corner and funded by Nike would have sucked everyone in and destroyed most.

Well done to Sidewalk who have rolled out, amongst everything else they do for the scene, a video that captures some of the UK’s finest. The video will not be free on the cover of a magazine but will rightly be on sale in your local skate shop, so you treasure it and watch it with friends at home before you go for a skate. Pick up a copy in October in your local skater owned shop.

More video premiere’s have been announced this week:

Friday 30th September – Hush Bar, Bristol, 8pm.
Contact 5050 for further info.

Saturday 1st October – T13 Skatepark, Belfast, 7pm.
Pre-premiere jam at T13 Skatepark (time TBC), £3 in – keep an eye on the forum for updates.

Saturday 1st October – The Flying Duck, 142 Renfield Street, Glasgow.
6pm sharp. Over 18’s only.

Thursday October 6th – Milton Keynes Buszy.
6pm – under 18s. 7:30pm – over 18’s with afterparty at the Buszy Bar.

Skateboarding News

New Sidewalk comes with dope Chin poster

The new Sidewalk Mag just arrived at our doorstep and it comes with a cool, limited edition ‘Where’s Chin’ poster inside that looks like this, but obviously better when not shot on a phone. Benson is on the cover ripping a pool frontside, an honest NASS festival article from CJ, Caradog, Supra and Emerica tour articles and much more. Out now.

Look out for giveaways on our facebook page in RANDOM SWAG as we have a few here.