Music News

Buzz Osborne calls out Montage Of Heck


The recently released Kurt Cobain documentary Montage Of Heck had Nirvana fans the world over riddled with excitement. Finally, a film to set the record straight, comprised of nothing but video clips, home movies, journals and demo-recordings plucked from a never-before-seen archive of the man’s own personal belongings. Surely no truer tale of events could be, especially with Kurt’s daughter Frances Bean at the controls as executive producer.

Not so fast, said Melvins-main-man Buzz Osborne this weekend in an essay published with The Talkhouse. “First off, people need to understand that 90% of Montage of Heck is bullshit. Total bullshit. That’s the one thing no one gets about Cobain — he was a master of jerking your chain.

Osborne and his band have been rocking since pre and post Nirvana, and it’s hard to deny that both bands weren’t running arm in arm together throughout their respective careers too. “My band played with Nirvana at their last show. I was there for the beginning and I was there for the end, for the very good and the very bad,” he adds.

This said, Osborne’s recent claims do rip the entire film to smithereens, “the whole “I tried to fuck a fat retard” story is complete bullshit. Not even an inkling of truth.

…the trying-to-kill-himself-on-the-train-tracks story is bullshit as well. It never happened either.” Buzz continues to highlight points of the film that he claims are untrue throughout the essay before opening fire on Courtney Love too, “a lot of what she says in this documentary doesn’t exactly jibe with things Kurt told me himself, but I suppose that’s not surprising when you consider history becomes elastic every time Courtney Love opens her mouth.

Get the full story at The Talkhouse and leave a comment below. Is Buzz on track here or completely off his trolley?