Skateboarding News

Xynthetic vids and boards!

Not long ago, we promised you some Xynthetic trailers, and guess what? We delivered!

But before we get onto that, the boys over at Xyn have got some more news for y’all. There are 4 CMYK [Cookie Mob Yardie Krew, for those of you who don’t have your ears to various parts of the ground] available in the store, which you can pick up by clicking here. Check them out in the picture to the right.

Right, on with the trailers!

JamFactory Edition:

Xynthetic 2007 Trailer ~ JamFactory Edition from Xynthetic on Vimeo

M4KINOV Edition:

Xynthetic 2007 Trailer ~ M4KINOV Edition from Xynthetic on Vimeo