Skateboarding News

Puzzle Winter 07 online

Here’s what you get for free when you visit the Puzzle website and download the latest video, Winter 07:

JUMBLE: Special canadian influence. Rippers from the Underworld canadian team. Featuring Grant Patterson, Ted Degros and others…

ANALOG TOUR: Ernie Torres, Ryan Smith, Sean Malto + European guys. High skilled riders. Amazing Sean!!

EVENT: Globe Bowlbash in Eindhoven & Amster Damn-Am. 2 events in Holland, bowl & park.

C1RCA TOUR: Sierra Fellers, Peter Ramondetta, Tony Tave & Euro Team. Touring Europe to introduce the video “It’s Time“.

FOCUS: Shadi C. Ruiz. It’s all about Mexican flavours. New ripper straight from Mexico is taking over Barcelona.