Skateboarding News

Nikita Clothing

Nikita Clothing proudly presents its brand spanking new website. Profiles of team riders including that of our infamous UK skateboarderess, Lucy Adams, feature alongside a “Whazzup” section – which almost sounds like a programme from my Andy Peters days – but is actually a page documenting the success of their girls around the world.

This year sees two different clothing lines on offer. Firstly Nikita presents its first Outerwear specific collection, this I understand to be aimed mainly at snowboarders with a range of Icelandic temperature tested jackets and pants. The other, the Streetwear line offers an enormous variety in it’s ‘largest to date’ collection of clothing: anything from skate wear – hoodies, beanies and trousers etc to going out clothing – dresses and underwear, all of which can be viewed in the gallery which has a refreshingly high quality of imagery to give you a very good idea of the garbs on offer.

The website is very user friendly has a pleasing layout to the eye and is well worth checking out. The clothing on offer has a good range of styles, something to suit everyone, and on all accounts is very durable. In addition, there is a completely new section on how or where to find your nearest stockist of Nikita – simply click on the ‘Where’ section.