Skateboarding News

Magnetic Skateboards?

A young Frenchman spent many a night dreaming about ‘Back to the Future‘ and why he couldn’t ollie properly ( He even admits a slight penchant for fruit-booting!), when lightning struck and the concept of a Magnetic board became a reality.

Basically the 4size boards come with a pair of shoes that have permanent magnets placed within the soles. You can now leap and bound without the fear that the board won’t stick to your feet. It hasn’t been explained how the sticky board might flip, but we’re guessing the inventor never got that far before cheating a bit. In any case, with these now available, and rumours of Chinese hover boards, it won’t be long before Marty McFly gets that pro-model into the skateshops!

For info and pictures click here and go to the Magneticsk8 menu:

For a demo tape watch this.