Skateboarding News

Like Leaves


In a world where competition to impress is rife, fueled by multi-million dollar companies who throw their ca$h about to buy out the weak, a break from the norm is needed for clarity reasons. In this case, The Worble are here to take us all back to the beginning to remember that skateboarding is all about…fun.

In their own words: “Western culture has destroyed enough in its commodification of the more-than-human world. Perhaps skateboarding can do more than turn the logic of consumption and destruction back upon the culture that unleashed it. Perhaps skating can do more than grind away the American Dream.”

Skate Edit of the Week comes from Vermont, a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States from a crew who look like they have the best fun in the world and go skating whenever they want, not when they are told to. Get motivated, ‘Like Leaves‘ and choose skateboarding.

Bonus edit…