This week has been a corker so far. Not one but 2 brand new films have reached HQ for viewing purposes. Firstly Krooked Skateboards brand new movie Krooked Kronichles that premiere’s this week all over the UK.
The Gonz and his talented crew have delivered a fine video featuring some shit-hot skateboarding and overall production, strengths especially from Dan Drehobl. His part is amazing! – The friends section is massive, it’s full of great 70’s and 80’s tunes as well and as for Gonz and the rest of the team – “I’m Pro” is all i have to say….get this video from Slam City this Friday for £19.95 call 0870 420 4146 to pre order. They will also have a limited (1000 worldwide) Gold version £34.95, which I’m guessing has some extra cool stuff on it.
The other promo in this week is the Creature Skateboards promo “Born Dead” which rips a new hole in your head once you have seen it. Put it this way, you know when you watch a skate video and most tricks are edited with all the “makes”, well this is let off the leish and has so many bails through it it making this pretty real to watch. The sections in this promo are enough to give Anti-Hero a nudge as parts as good as Darren Navarrette’s or Sam Hitz will blow your mind, let alone the rest of the team. It’s gnarly for sure. The full video is to come but this promo is a good length and comes with death metal, hardcore and sludge for your aural pleasure.
Click here for a sneak preview.
Look out for Krooked and Creature comps on this site next week as we have loads of exclusive stuff here ready for you.