Skateboarding News

Kris Markovich launches Crimson

I’d love to find out what Kris Markovich‘s work ethic is because this guy has single-handedly ridden for and started up more companies than the shopping channel.

Anyway, after quitting Blind, Kris has found his goal and started up Crimson Skateboards with Richie Belton and James Atkin for pros, then Jeremiah Babb, Thomas Bonilla and a handful of other eager amateurs.

If you go and visit their website, you’ll be able to download a 15 minute bruiser of a promo video with no hip-hop here. The first thing you will notice are the graphics which are sick Markovich creations as you will see from the site.

Has Markovich found his version of heaven? In due course we will see how this develops, but looking good for launch.