Skateboarding News

Jeremy Scott recognizes Santa Cruz rip off mistake

Remember 6 months ago that fashion designer twonk Jeremy Scott blatantly ripped off Jim Phillips’ artwork without consultation or respect to one of skateboarding’s most legendary skateboard graphics illustrators? Well, it seems as though Mr Scott released a statement ahead of Fashion Week saying:

“I regret that certain pieces of my February 2013 Fall Winter fashion line incorporated imagery that was similar to images owned by NHS and Messrs. Phillips. I now recognize my mistake and out of respect to their work and their rights, the clothing and handbags at issue will not be produced or distributed.”

Case closed, but after 6 months of legal bullshit and at a guess, some serious money spent, this rip-off merchant finally admits to a heinous crime against skateboarding. Keep shit fashion fads out of skateboarding as eventually it will kill it dead once these types of idiots have rinsed it.