Skateboarding News

Coda Skate team

If Ol’Dirty Bastard wanted to rep his ends properly, you know the Brooklyn Lazarus would be riding a Coda Skateboard. This New York company is gradually working up from the ground and their next step has been the refurbishment of their website.

Click over there to see the newly announced skate team – Pat Smith, Jerry Mraz, Ricky Espinoza, Dave Mitchael, Jake Lemagno, Jay Burton and Conor Fay. Also a heap of sick new graphics (notably the lighthouse by Andreas Trolf) and gear, as well as the complimentary news updates.

The boys just got back from a wrecking ball trip to Skatopia, and Dominica is up next. Expect to see a promo blasting sometime around Spring 07. Support the underground.

Photo by Tim Stanton