Skateboarding News

Cameron Holland’s Full Stop.

Ph: Sean Conover from insta

Cameron Holland’s new edit has a killer selection of footage. Pick out a winner from this lot (ours was the never ending ‘blonde’ ollie) as there’s a bunch of heavy hitters featured in this. Deep breath…Ernie Torres, Christian Malouf, Alex Schmidt, Ryan Gallant, Logan Taylor, Ryan Bobier, Dee Ostrander, Chad Bartie, Shuriken Shannon, JT Aultz, Anthony Schultz, Taylor Bingaman, Jordan Taylor, Lee Yankou, Jonas Skröder, Mike Long, Elijah Berle, Sean Conover, Windsor James, Jimmy Carlin, Tom Remillard, Walker Ryan, Corey Duffel and Chris Troy.

Look out for a Tom Remillard interview on here soon, we are in the middle of doing it this week.