Blueprint Skateboards have been busy as usual so we thought we would give you the full update of recent team developments.
Fresh from the Big Push (click here for the Shier Cam) the BP edit is now at Document awaiting it’s release and your subsequent viewing pleasure.
Blueprint international riders, Glenn Wignall and Sylvain Tognelli are currently filming in the UK for the upcoming video in and around London. Look out for their US counter part Kevin Coakley who will also be hitting these shores real soon too.
Nick Jensen has just been in Italy with Lakai’s euro filmer, Federico, yes they’re still filming for the video but a date has been set, November 16th for the most anticipated video in many years!
Vaughan Baker has recently been hosting the Insight Clothing team, as they were all in London skating and even made the tired trek out to Barcelona with them all to film some more and shoot pictures. Vaughan has also been putting the finishing touches to his second Emerica shoe whilst in other shoe news Chewy Cannon has made the switch from Nike to Adidas, he thanks Nike for all they have done, and is moving on to pastures new at Adidas Skateboarding.
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