Skateboarding News

Best In The West

On Saturday June 23rd, Epic Skatepark will be holding a Best In The West competition, appealing to those who choose to pump around transition, and those who prefer to assault the more horizontal obstacles.

In association with Creature, Indy and Ride there will be a mini ramp comp for anyone who likes to carve it up like Greg Nowik all day long. Where as anyone who flows ledges, rails and manuals in lines as well as Paul Shier does for a living should seriously consider dropping by for the Best Line comp, sponsored by A Third Foot, Karma, Plan B and Ideal Skateboards.

Lots of prizes up for the taking, so make sure you’ve packed the session in your bag, oh and the £6 entry fee of course! The bomb drops at 4pm, then it’s nothing but boom boom shake shake the room all evening.

In other Epicly Related news, the furious Toy Machine will be docking at the skatepark during the UK Tour on August 1st. With the whole team down, and plenty of free stuff up for grabs this shit is going to be BANANAS. That’s b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

Keep posted here and at for all the info.