Skateboarding Product Reviews

Unabomber sleeping bag


6th November 2006.

Travelling around the UK and Europe on people’s floors on skate trips can take it’s toll so Unabomber Skateboards have come up with the solution: the Unabomber Dos Sleeping Bag!

Now, you could quite easily drop into Millets and pick up a thin, crappy, uncomfortable human cocoon OR you could grab yourself the latest in floor and sofa surfing from Unabomber and feel the difference.

These bags can take a fat bloke easily and are made up of ripstop outer nylon and a sleek supersoft nylon outer, some killer warm filling and can be packed up into a small ball thanks to the silliconised hollow fibres.

When this turned up at HQ, a scrap broke out for the ownership amongst staff. So give your aching bones a pressie this xmas, click here to buy one or visit Unabomber direct here.

Chuck Bangers