Skateboarding Product Reviews

Globe/Devo cruisers

Woke up this morning and these beauties are sat at the end of my bed. Usually a cup of tea is needed to get me amped for any day ahead but the glow of the soft yellow wheels had the same caffiene affect. Within a flash I jumped out of bed, knocked over a full bucket bong, stained the carpet with the dirty water and made my way to the wardrobe. Out sprang a jump suit, and my favourite flower pot hat. I’m ready…I’m ready for anything.

The harsh concrete floor of my street felt as smooth as icing sugar as my shoulders lead the charge. Pump by pump, the wheels of this beast rolls over driveways, the trucks cushion the pressure from my thighs and the smell of petrol from the garage forecourt fills my nasal system and forces a sneer. I whistle ‘Whip It‘ as I four wheel slide underneath a stationary truck delivering crates of food to a local shop and then push as fast as I can, hair streamlined in the wind as the hill in front of my engulfs every last push. Splat. I’m taken out by a passing car. I didn’t see it coming and now my flowerpot is broken and soil spills onto the open road.

I awake in a sweat to find that 2 Globe/Devo cruisers were still at the end of my bed. If you think i’m skating these ever you are some kind of fool.

Go to for more Devo/Globe madness and look out for these in your local SOS this month. Go on, treat yourself or dream on.

Emilio Gonzales