Skateboarding Product Reviews

Black Label – Crutch team board

First off, yes I know this looks like a Ged Wells Insane graphic from the 90s but I haven’t got a clue what he is up to these days. What I do know though is that Lucero’s Black Label is established and has always had super solid wood and great videos. This particular gem is no different. Lucero hasn’t ever compromised on quality, whether it is the team or the product, so let’s discuss whether this recent rig fits the bill.

This deck is a little heavier that my usual rides, could be to do with the “gimmick free” construction though. It also has a huge tail, admittedly it took me a moment to get my usual height, but gave me extra drift instead – which admittedly I had been missing for a while so it made up for it perfectly. The concave is on the deeper side, similar to a recent Santa Cruz deck I had but after my feet got used to it I was shiftying away happily once again and enjoying the ride.

After a few skates this deck has hardly worn at all, which is a testament to the simple high quality maple construction. The cruiser feel and hard wood makes it feel like a more serious ride overall. Even snapping disasters feels like a more manly affair, no twinkle-toe lip tricks for me on this plank, strictly frontside 5.0’s and nose grab disasters in my bag.

I reckon Black Label cater well for their core followers and I think I owe this all-terrain punisher some concrete affection. Get yourself a Crutch.

Phil Procter