
Andy Scott Moos

Andy Scott – Kickflip eggplant Seq. [Alex Irvine c/o]
Alex Decelles – Ollie into bank.
John Rattray – 540.
Mike McDermott – Nollie cabellariel nosemanual.
Kevin McKeon – FS roll-in.
Neil Smith – BS flip.
Dave Caddo – Ollie manual.
Jerry Mraz – Ollie gap into bank.

Top 5 Winter Warmers:

1. Globe Hat, scarf and gloves.
2. Extra Flip t-shirt.
3. Anti Hero Flask of tea.
4. Underground carpark.
5. Friendly skateshop. (SOS)

Top 5 Winter Woes:

1. Rain, sleet, hail, snow.
2. Damp obstacles.
3. Gritted streets.
4. Hand slap slams.
5. Broken kingpins.

Pic of the Week

Ben White and Paul Machnau have a lot in common. (Not seeen the latest KOTR 2006 Thrasher?- tut tut!)