Saturday July 2nd at Bay Sixty 6 Skatepark
This weekend was by far the most enjoyable event that Crossfire has been involved in since we have started. The hangovers we brought to the park slowly whittled away once the comp kicked off and the skating was mental. This event was filled with about 250 people, a much smaller crowd than usual due to the Live 8 event in West London, so a lot of people bottled it cos of the traffic but the people in attendance witnessed the most fun we have in ages.
Here are the results at Bay Sixty 6:
Best Hip Trick
Guy Burchard – Nollie 540 Big Spin Heelflip
Best Koston Block Trick
Trevor – Backside Tail Shuv
Best Rail Trick
Trevor Beasley – BS Smith
Best Hubba Trick
James Gardner – Nollie Heel Noseslide
Longest Manual
James Gardner & Kevin Edwards
Sunday July 3rd at Southbank
“For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful”
That quote rang around my head as i woke up on Sunday morning after no sleep and the biggest hangover ever. I puked in the shower and packed up the stereo and prize money and got down to the Southbank to see over 500 people waiting for carnage. It was gonna go off!
Kids were throwing themselves down the 7 set like lemmings…
The atmosphere at this comp was unlike any other i have witnessed. Everyone was amped in anticipation of this event and as soon as the best trick sessions went down, the hammers were snatched from the tool box and that place was fully worked. The only negative aspect of the day was Vaughan Baker annihilating his knee ligaments after sessioning the ledge. Get well soon man. The other guys from Blueprint Skateboards took most of the cash on the day.
Here are the results:
Best trick down the 7 Set
1. Danny Brady – fakie double flip, fakie frontside flip,
double flip and backside double flip.
2. Neil Smith – backside nollie heelflip, nollie bigspin heelflip,
switch frontside bigspin heelflip.
3. James Gardner – Switch frontside 360
Best trick on the Bank:
1. Danny Brady – kickflip nose stall on bar frontside revert in.
2. Sean – Nollie Bigspin Heel Flip/ Heelflip varial
Best trick on the ledge down the 7 Set
1. Danny Brady – Kickflip frontside 5-0.
2. Chewy Cannon – switch backside 5-0 and backside smith.
Best trick on the wedge into the bank
1. Neil Smith – Nollie backside 5-0 / Switch frontside 5-0.
2. Spencer Eagles – Nollie K/Backside Smith
3. Danny Brady – Flip Nosewheelie
The product toss was mental. A local chav was sent his marching orders or
he would have been annihilated by pretty much everyone present!
If you came down to this event, you have witnessed some history.
Crossfire are proud to have promoted this event.
Thanks for coming down if you made it and big love to XBOX and the UKSA.
Watch the videos of both events on this page…download them and keep them, then you can watch them whenever you want to. Just right click, save target as…and save it.