In case you hadn’t heard the DuFFS concrete carnage at Rom took place last weekend and went off!
Heads from all over the place turned up to get their hands on some cash in the Snickers best trick comp and prizes from DuFFS, Eastpak and Independent.The whole park got hit up with the pool getting the most attention!
For those who don’t know Rom is one of the OG parks in the UK and is 30 years young! Its rough, gnarly and it’s a real proving ground, there are endless lines and the fun potential is huge, as long as you go there not expecting a street plaza.
The whole idea was to have a fun jam session on the whole park with anyone and everyone who dropped something good getting prizes and a chance of some cash!
In the house were living legend Trawler, the “count” otherwise known as Death pro Lee Blackwell, Steak, Sean Goff, Rob “wob, wob” Smith, Chris Ault who ripped all day and Robert and the Welsh side crew!
Simon Skipp and other local rulers Nige, Pedge and Dion and even Jon Hayward put in an appearance and made a kickflip rock in the pool!
The DuFFS squad were in full effect, Mattias Nylen the cockney Swede is back in town although he is injured right now alongside Ben Raemers, Carl Wilson and team manager Munson. The Bay 66 boys were also about with Awad ruling and kev the plasterer gave himself a battering trying to axle stall 270 in the pool! Local grom Andrew was killing it all day! Even little Alex from Milton Keynes was in the mix getting some airs going. The kids session was rad all of them were killing themselves! with everyone getting stuck in and most of them going away happy with some prizes!
Raemers did a NBD fs alley oop over the hip in the snake! And FS blunts over the hip in the pool.The pool session was fierce with locals Paul, Dion, Fred and the boys going off, alongside legends like Sean Goff who was throwing todd twists and maddona’s in the pool!
With Blackwell getting sweeper’s, egg plants, Munson fingerflipped to tail ,FS inverts and maydays in there. Carl Wilson put down some nice fs airs and stalefishes and an ollie blunt! Wob Smith was ruling with FS 50’s to fakie! Everyone ripped and the whole park saw some action!
In the end the money got split between Sean Goff, Trawler, local ruler Paul who was riding with bare feet and trying to break the coping with FS grinds! And Wob Smith also got his hands on the cash for some craziness like heel blocks in the pool and a mental nose blunt off the fence!
All there was left to do was hit the BBQ and sink a few well earned Beers!
If you missed it you missed out! But you never know Concrete Carnage pt 3 may well be on in 2007!
Check out the footage to see what went down on this page put together and donated by by Kevin Parrott..