When this DVD arrived at HQ I must admit I looked at it and then picked up another one to review. Corperate companies have never really managed to represent skateboarding in a natural way and usually their adverts and general involvement in skateboarding is always ill advised by people who don’t really know anything about our scene and the results are usually pretty shocking.
Apart from Von Zipper, eyewear companies have never really pushed their steez to have a hold in skateboarding preferring snow and surf due to the climates involved, so when this arrived I was more than dubious about what it would be throwing at me…but my mind set changed from the first few frames and this is why.
Oakley went beyond the norm and filmed their banging team for Our Life in 16mm. So mind-blowing video parts from Bob Burnquist with his magic switch skills and freefalling stunts, the natural magic steez of Greg Lutzka are just a taster of what is on offer in this DVD. Ryan Sheckler‘s ability to destroy anything in sight also fills the minutes including footage of a massive stuff the end of his part – I’m sure this kid has motorcycle shock absorbers in his knees! It seems that Plan B have managed to bag one of the best out there for sure this year.
Fabrizio Santos supplies you with a part to remember including a huge ollie into a bank from a container. Rune Glifberg skates pools with the attitude and style you always dreamed of having alongside the relentless gnar of Chris Senn whose Hawaii connection will never let you down once invited. Dave Bachinksy loads his part up on pure style and Andrew Pott and Henning Bratten parts are added bonuses on offer which will definitely make you want to go out and skate.
I have watched this DVD a few times now and it seems to get better and better every time – with the first viewing being a massive ‘YES’. Our Life is a banging video filmed with care and attention with no stones unturned. Go and get it as you will be pleasantly surprised what is on offer.
Watch the trailer for this vide here www.oakley.com/ourlife
Chuck Bangers