It seems as though this is the year of shite bands making a return and guess what? Alice in Chains are one of them and are back with rumours that Elton John plays on the album too?! How fucking cool? NOT.
Let’s get this straight, Alice in Chains were never cool, they were always at the dogshit end of the grunge spectrum and had nothing on the likes of Nirvana, Mudhoney and other amazing artists that flew the flag. Their only half decent song was a about a Rooster? Come on people….
Limp Bizkit were also on this shite list. Literally hundreds of people we know turning 28 this year are coming out of the woodwork to tell us how amazing they were this year when they played London. You know what, they fucking sucked too! Does anyone remember how caned they were in the press for being such tits? The most uncool band in the world! Don’t support these bands that come out of the woodwork to cash in on their return, burn them instead.