Live Reviews

Moral Soul – Live


Moral Soul created one hell of a storm in the Storm Club, London. The audience was blown away by the thick bluesy beats of this Southampton quartet. It was a welcome change in musical weather considering the mundane bands which graced the stage before Moral Soul took the mike.

In one short show they put on the full throttle. No song was wasted. Every note skilfully tuned into a great song had full power charged into it-and what power that band had. Steely blues, electric rock and husky acoustic, they could do it all.

However, the real stamp on their talent was that they managed to beat the crap job of the techie doing the sound check. Where other bands had drowned in the rush of over-vamped amps, they whipped the chaos into good music. The audience loved them and they thrived off that love-the great rapport demonstrated loud and clear when they trusted the ordinary listeners to takeover their best song ‘Black Butterfly’. As yet they’re unsigned, but watch out for this one. Moral Soul may only have a few more dingy basements to play in before they get recognised.

Rebecca Geach
[Photo taken from]