Standing on the first floor balcony, overlooking the main part of the venue, it was clear to see just how popular French duo Gaspard Augé and Xavier De Rosnay have become. Koko was more packed that Pavarotti’s coffin and as such, having a place up on the balcony was probably the best place to be, not only in terms of having dance space but also because the smell was probably a whole lot better on our level.
With the venue plunged into darkness and their now legendary Cross beaming it’s light across the sea of faces, the intro began and it wasn’t long before the brilliant Phantom boomed it’s fuzzy bass into our ears. The sound at Koko was absolutely amazing and did justice [yeah, yeah I know] to the album that had pulled everyone in.
With a dizzying bassline making the venue bounce, they soon poured some fun into the mix with the intro of D.A.N.C.E. being played without music, hyping everyone up, before slamming in with the tune and following it up with DVNO. Whilst questioning just how this set could get any better, Phantom pt. 2 flew in and I immediately had my answer.
With other brilliant renditions from the album, such as Stress and Waters Of Nazareth [which brought the set to an incredible close], Justice clearly knew they had the audience in the palm of their exquisitely cool hands and when the intro of Klaxons’ Atlantis To Interzone fed into the track that made them famous, We Are Your Friends, it was fever pitch.
Tonight was a perfect example of how to DJ an album. Take the crowd down low, let them bubble away in anticipation and then serve them the most ridiculously loud show of their lives. I was still doing the D.A.N.C.E. to the B.E.A.T. long into the night – brilliant.
Words and photo by Abjekt.