Live Reviews

Enter Shikari – Live

Northampton Soundhaus

Possibly the campest venue in the UK (the walls are painted pink, for gods sake!) it’s unsurprising to find the likes of Chinese Finger Trap propping up the bill tonight. What it IS, however, is infuriating.

Having split 2 years ago as various members ventured on educational persuits, their half hour slab of metrosexual pansycore provokes nothing other than a severe feeling that perhaps such a hiatus should have remained indefinite. If you like your bands to use more hair products than your mum and appear skinnier than your cock on a cold day, this could be your new favourite band.

But then there’s barely a soul inside the Soundhaus right now that’s here for any other reason than Enter Shikari. To put it simply, this crowd is young, and I mean REALLY young. Those in doubt need only see the line of parents lining the back wall, patiently waiting for their offspring who are currently going apeshit at the front. And with good cause, because no matter what age you are, it’s simply impossible not to find something appealing about the UK’s hottest current prospect.

Mixing trance beats with a ferocious yet anthemic metalcore assault, tonight they provide the ultimate night out; half metal gig, half rave. You can likely count the amount of bands capable of equalling such feats on one hand, but those able to better it simply don’t exist.

Marvel as they thrash around the stage in a terrifying blur of slicing riffs and guttural roars, before convincing the entire crowd to clap along in unison as glow sticks flash and flutter hypnotically. With a fan base that grows by the day and dates for their March tour almost entirely sold out already, the chances of ever seeing Enter Shikari in a venue this size again is slim.

In 20 years the kids down the front may well be the parents at the back, but when gigs are this ridiculously enjoyable age doesn’t matter. Oi mum, pass the glowstick.