The Kings Head – Reading
6th August 2008
I was stoked to see that this band had made the effort to play the UK in such a big way, i mean, this is DIY at it’s best. 4 blokes, on the road, bang up for it and wanting to rage every night.
Tonight, Canadian hardcore quartet Career Suicide rolled into Reading and blew the place apart. The show was held downstairs in a small room with no windows at the Kings Head pub, a perfect DIY set up for a band that love to rip up a space between 4 walls and that’s exactly what went down.
Before they played the room was warmed by FUK who supposedly had ex member(s) of Chaos UK, so we waited with baited breath. They provided a very meaty, old school British hardcore with a front man that can hold his ground.
Sweat poured and chaos reigned as soon as Career Suicide hit the carpet. Opening with Jonzo’s Leaking Radiation the small room erupted into total carnage, drinks flew everywhere and the place opened up like the floor was on fire!
The band smashed through the likes of Attempted Suicide, Bored Bored Bored, and some tracks from the new Cherry Beach EP and played with venom. Back in the middle of the room pyramids are being made by human punks and a death wall battle has taken place. Drinks are thrown everywhere and to his amazement, some guy in front of me finally finds his spectacles in one piece on the floor. Across the room, members of Shitty Limits are grabbed the mic, The band play at mach 10, people are pinned to the walls and it’s pretty safe to say that this is the best fun EVER!
The band finally end their set with the most legendary Quarantined and are then cheered to play one more track despite the fact that singer Martin Farkas can’t breathe whatsoever. There’s simply no oxygen left in this room. If you are gonna die you may as well go out in style so they rocked a killer version of The Todd Killings by Angry Samoans before it was all over.
Well done to Ellis for putting on the show and CS for travelling so far to rip the UK. We salute all of you.
Emilio Gonzales
Click here for Pete Craven’s Brighton show review on this 2008 tour….