In 2003, singer songwriter Luke Steele and co delivered The Sleepy Jackson‘s debut album “Lovers”, a record that earnt critical aclaim and went down as one of the records of the year, but where do you go once you have made the lights shine in the ether for that tricky second album?
Well there’s only 2 routes, it’s either going to be downhill from here or simply genius. The latter describes this brand new single “God Lead Your Soul” as this single is practically your soundtrack for the summer right here. Filled with Steele’s trademark vocals and sweeping string solo’s, “God Leads Your Soul” delivers just that, it’s a soulful tune that will have you encapsulated into The Sleepy Jackson formula that we all know works so well and is lifted from the forthcoming album “Personality” that will be released later this month
This record has to be played and owned by anypone who loves to indulge themselves in beautiful pop music with an indie edge as this is simply delicious. Out now on these formats:
Two 7″ singles and a CD with bonus non album tracks…
7″ No. 1 DINS 278
7″ No. 2 DINSX 278
The Sleepy Jackson are also on tour right now in the UK throughout July.
Wed 12-Jul Leeds, Cockpit
Thur 13-Jul Manchester University 3
Fri 14-Jul Glasgow King Tuts
Sat 15-Jul Nottingham Rescue Rooms
Mon 17-Jul Oxford Zodiac
Tue 18-Jul London, Scala