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The Cut Ups

The Cut Ups
The High And Mighty
(Household Name)

The High And Mighty is a new 11 songs of punk pleasantries from Exeter’s own The Cut Ups. This album provides 34 minutes of punk with a melodic edge a la Against Me/Hot Water Music.

The record opens up with song The High and Mighty, which is a fitting opening track for it. Starting off with a simple guitar strum that has a delightful tone to it, giving the album a positive feel already and ending on an even better note. With other song titles such as Last Night I Dreamt I Saw Fugazi and Jakes Versus the Christmas Tree you know this album is going to have a nice ring to it. The Fugazi song especially being an ear opener, full of cheer and ending with the infectious chant of “We’re Still Here, But We’re Not Trying.”

The album as a whole is very appealing to allsorts, it can appeal to good old fashioned punkers, pop punkers, and maybe even indie fans as some of it sounds like more punk influenced Libertines songs. The ominous yell of singer Adam is a driving force of the music, it’s not the best singing voice in the world, but that makes it even better. His voice is deep and heartfelt, giving the music a more genuine wholesomeness.

At risk of sounding cheesy The High And Mighty is a truly uplifting album, and when you listen to it your mood will instantly be altered. That’s quite an achievement for a little band from Exeter! The music may not be the most technical ever written, and the songs might not have the most complex of structures but that’s how bands like this should sound. Stripped to the bare essentials and played with real honesty, The Cut Ups will leave you with a smile on your face.

Jonathan Teggert