If it is sunny outside or even if it’s raining, this debut album from Scott Matthews should fit the bill regardless. Deciding to do it the independent route, Matthews has put together a full album that will simply melt in your mouth from start to finish and why? Because talent this good comes once in a blue moon and if you miss it, you end up being one of those people that discovers classic records in later years and misses out on the growth of something completely special.
You see, this Birmingham based singer/songwriter has taken simplicity and turned it on its head allowing his music to bury his desires deeply into your own. There are influences in here alright, like any new record and they come from greats such as Jeff Buckley for starters, but if you add the dark side of Radiohead, the light side of Lewis Taylor, and the laid back and deeply meaningful rays of Jose Gonzales you are barking at the right road sign. His voice is something you just want more of but the musicianship across all 17 tracks on Passing Stranger is something else, it just all fits.
Buckley left the world a massive gap to fill and although this man is influenced, he has taken beautifully crafted songwriting to another level that could easily sit in absolutely anyone’s record collection who loves music, period. This track Elusive you can stream on this page is just one offering, one side of the coin, so do not judge this record on one track, as the entire record has so many doors. I bet you my bottom dollar that in the future you will hear this album everywhere and will have to submit to buying it at some stage if this review is not convincing enough.
Simply delicious….