Vanessa, the creative force behind Jaed, was raised on a strict diet of Veruca Salt, L7, Hole, the Pixies and the Riot Girl scene, influences which are echoed in her own unique brand of spikey punk pop. Her disarmingly honest and personal lyrics clearly set her apart from her contemporaries.
Laced with a wicked black humour, her songs give an insight into the struggle of a young woman who, at the age of 16, was forced out of home by an abusive father and left to live on the streets of Melbourne with a drug habit to feed. After a long battle with her addiction, Vanessa has now been clean for a year and the first single ‘Gutter Girl‘, taken from the forthcoming album Dirty Days, was written during her time in detox.
Notwithstanding these difficulties, Vanessa remained passionate about her music and even during the darkest days continued to write, busking on the street for change. Her break came when she was caught shoplifting, unbelievably this led to a meeting with a top Australian producer.
The band’s line up is completed by a British rhythm section that is comprised of two childhood friends Matt (drums) and Greg (bass), who grew up playing together and provide a solid, energetic backdrop for Vanessa’s guitar and vocals.
The album Dirty Days is set for a release in 2006.