Ah, Foals. Time was when no-one had heard of these Oxford lads, and they were playing in underground (literally below sea-level) clubs, which flooded whenever it rained, had sewage coming up from the blokes toilets, and flies buzzing round your pint.
However, the buzz is not floating in your watered down lager, but surrounds their latest single Cassius from the debut album ‘Antidotes‘. A mix of ultra-cool haircuts, sharp guitar beeps and dancey beats, this is by far the best track on the album and is getting throughly rinsed on the old electric shitbrick.
With the NME hopping onboard the fanlist, but with brilliant music to back up the hype, Foals definitely get the thumbs up from me, as well as about a million other people with better haircuts than mine.
They’re named after an animal as well, which is a serious bonus. A baby animal at that.