Buzz Chart

Black Flag

Black Flag
Slip It In

Black Flag. Black Sabbath. The two blacks. What more do you need in life? But hey, this is about Black Flag, we’ll move onto Sabbath next week. Find me a band more hardcore than Black Flag and I’ll call you a liar. Led by guitarist Greg Ginn, these street punks terrorized the world throughout the eighties with the most ferocious bursts of noise to rise from the punk underground then or since.

It was tempting to go for an older track or one of the classic early singles like ‘Jealous Again‘ or ‘Six Pack‘ but instead we give you ‘Slip It In‘ – a charging Henry Rollins led tirade that cuts a bass and drum grove that will have you kicking the legs out from under your table before drop kicking your computer into the nearest wall.

James Sherry