Film Reviews

The Invention of Lying

Warner Brothers Pictures

Imagine a world where every one tells the truth. Questions such as ‘do I look fat in this’, ‘do you find me attractive’ and a few other more personal questions (men we won’t say them) are all responded with the truth, no matter how honest the response is.

When it comes to The Invention of Lying, the truth begins right form the opening credits with a voice over from Mark Bellison (Ricky Gervais) where he explains the ENTIRE plot line before any one has said a word. When Mark discovers he can say things that are not what they are, i.e. lies, he is opened to a whole new world of thinking.

Like many people, the first thing that comes to mind would be to benefit yourself like getting your hands on money and romance. However he soon realises he can do good in the world with his lies. Through his fabrication of the truth he makes a difference in peoples lives. In some ways his lying is good; he withdraws money from the bank for a homeless man, makes a few OAP’s happier with his words and generally puts a smile on the faces of those around him and gives them hope. Things get a little heated however when one small lie to his mother about what life is like after death creates a worldwide question over the situation.

The only real concern is the fact that no matter how funny the truth can be it seems sometimes people say things that are actually not necessary; such as they don’t want to go to work when no one has even asked them a question. The idea that films in this world of truth are based on screen plays written by Mark and Brad Kessier (Rob Lowe) and based actual events, since there is no lying there is no fiction, is an interesting line of thought. Things like the Industrial Revolution and the Black Plague are what the so-called films are based on – so it is much like watching the discovery channel all the time.

Gervais is an incredible English actor and the film wouldn’t have been the same with anyone else as the lead role. He has this natural quirk about him, a hilarious nature without even meaning to be; he is a true comic. Rob Lowe is also a very good supporting role and Gervais is able to bounce off of the character to create humour. The small role by Edward Norton as cop is also beneficial to the film. Comedy is what Ricky Gervais was made to do and with such a great personality leading the way, as well as a great storyline and supporting roles, The Invention of Lying will likely have you cheerful chuckling.

Michelle Moore